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Wet passenger side shelf!

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This is very strange! But my passenger side shelf below the glove box is wet!


Why the hell is it wet?


Cheers Rob

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Check for leaves in the scuttle on left side around the interior fan intake plastics.




The seal for the interior fan intake base seal to scuttle has perished.




The scuttle bottom floor panel has rusted through somewhere in the area above the passenger parcel shelf.



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I cleaned all the leaves out the other day got the Hoover out lol


The carpets are all dry and don't feel damp


Cheers for the quick reply guys :)

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Check the ABS ECU if fitted before it's damaged


Probably the scuttle seal or windscreen badly fitted


ABS ecu? where is that located bud? is the ecu that is under the silly little cover? thought that was the cars ecu

Edited by robo22sri

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Its behind a trim panel. Looking at the glovebox shelf, the bit of trim you want to remove is down to the left, near the door. There's 2 screws holding it. Behind it is the ABS ECU. Water can sometimes get behind there and damage it... which you obv dont want.

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Bottom of the left door A pillar just above the sill behind the screwed in kick panel.



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Right up date!


I have changed the foliage foam gasket in the scuttle panel and put the shelf back in!!


And I still have a wet passenger shelf!


It did not even rain last night and it is still damp!

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Scuttle floor panel was sound?


Has it has a new windscreen at any stage? Check the little digit in the bottom corner of the screen. ".....n" where n is the last digit of the year it was made. eg a 1994 build will be ....3 or ....4. If different to the year build, then there maybe a leak i the sealant or rust damage has occurred in the left bottom corner area.


Time to take the parcel shelf out and look up at the bottom edge of the windscreen and the underside of the scuttle area. If there is anything amiss, it will be obvious by rust trail.



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If it's getting damp without it raining it could be the heater matrix going?


It has had a new matrix supposedly!


Plus if it wad wouldn't it lose coolant?

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It has had a new matrix supposedly!


Plus if it wad wouldn't it lose coolant?


Yes, and it would smell sweet glycol.



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