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Kevin Bacon

Shrek manifold names - Now closed.

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Deadline has been reached and group buy now underway.


Any further queries regarding your order, please call Vince on the number below and if there are any more queries related to this thread, please PM me.






Please call Vince directly on 01926 812259 with your credit card details to book your Shrek order. Expected arrival date for the manifolds is 16th to 23rd April.


Deadline for placing your order is 19th March.


The names so far (seperated from the main thread as it's gone a bit OT):-


JoeM - Paid

VR6 - Paid

Kevhaywire - Paid

Joenose - Paid

Sadinn - Paid

DrMat - Paid

Corradovr6sc - Paid

Roddy - Paid

HodgyVR6 - Paid


Please add any names or confirm your order in this thread.




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I think that with our 6, if confirmed, along with the Golf lads, we should make 20+. Not that the extra £6 off is that much of an incentive though!


Anyone else fancy a 'Shrek' logo and a green manifold? 8)

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Youve got corradovr6sc missing from that list unless hes changed his mind.


I phoned yesterday but Vince was on a test drive at the time, will try again tommorow.

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mmmmmmuuuussssstttttt rrrrrrrreeeeeeeesssssssssiiiiiisssssstttttttt :wink:


You know you'll cave Rodders!


The price is far too tempting! :twisted:

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i've been desperately trying to beg!! steal !! borrow!! the cash nearly there but not quite :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Hahaha, Can I just point out that mine was only £430!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


oh, and it's polished now too :D :D :shock:

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Yes you can point that out, of course. Nothing to stop you. Will we hate you for it? Yes. ;)

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It makes us feel better that no matter how cheap yours was, you're not able to use it at the moment cos it's not on your car.... ;)

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Hi all


One of the Golf boys, but I thought I'd pop over and let you know that I just placed the tenth deposit so we're definitely on for the discount. Some of you on here aren't listed on the original thread (yet, I'll add your names in a second) but I think there are now nearly 30 people potentially purchasing!!!


I mentioned this a few weeks ago, just to see if there would be any interest, now look where it's got us! To those of you now having to remortgage, I apologise.





Updates as we know what's going on here: http://www.vr6golf.co.uk/forum_viewtopic.php?2.4793.0 - the first post has all the details so you don't have to trawl through 35 pages of replies...

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Hi all


One of the Golf boys, but I thought I'd pop over and let you know that I just placed the tenth deposit so we're definitely on for the discount. Some of you on here aren't listed on the original thread (yet, I'll add your names in a second) but I think there are now nearly 30 people potentially purchasing!!!


I mentioned this a few weeks ago, just to see if there would be any interest, now look where it's got us! To those of you now having to remortgage, I apologise.





Hi Nick


Thanks for raising the initial enquiry all those weeks ago and yes most of us are now having to take out second mortgages!


Quite a few of us here know Vince personally and have either given him deposits already or will be by the deadline, so no need to worry about compiling one big list, save yourself some work!


How about having a final assault on Shrek's pricing policies? Get them to budge a bit more than six quid off the 20+ price!?



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Hi all


I mentioned this a few weeks ago, just to see if there would be any interest, now look where it's got us! To those of you now having to remortgage, I apologise.



Apology accepted :)

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UPDATE: Vince has taken payments from 16 people now.....so looks like we're well on the way to an additional £6 off! Contain your excitement guys!


Delivery time will be 3-4 weeks after the order date (next Friday), so we can expect to receive our manifolds mid April sometime.

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Just phoned mine in, its now 18 and Vince says he knows theres definately another person that will phone today, so I think the extra £6 off is likely to be definate. 8)

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Saddin & CorradoVR6sc, are you partaking?


I'm going to treat myself to a gallon and a half of Optimax with my additional £6 off :lol:




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I've just made it the magical number 20.


So i get all 20 discounts of £6 ie £120 :p I don't agree with it, but Vince insisted!!! :lol:

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not showing up on my credit card bill....yet :roll: ......but i "authorised" Vince to take the whole payment...........so if ya dont mind kev :wink: ...........put me down as paid :wink:

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mmmmmmuuuussssstttttt rrrrrrrreeeeeeeesssssssssiiiiiisssssstttttttt :wink:


Like there was ever any hope :)

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