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Yep another newbie here :)

First of all great forums. I am looking into buying a new corrado in 6 months and decided to make some research beforehand. Been a great fan of these cars for a very long time but never had means to get one. Finally I convinced myself and my misses also, been last year on VW Harewood festival, and this year also... and every time I go there and see these these cars something snaps inside of me and screams... why did you go for Ford Focus in first place..


So plan is to get rado and sell my current car.. and hey ho... I am sure I am going to be a happy person, even though it will drain my wallet a bit.


Just wanted to say hi... ah yes, I have tried to post link with some pictures from VW Harewood festival I made, but my post disparered waiting for moderator to accept... not sure how long it will take.



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