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owen g60

Good + Bad Ebay Sellers

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I think the title says it all...


I have been spending numerous hours searching through sites around the world to find elusive parts.


Recent experiences from one particular Ebay seller has me concerned...


drumologist18... i have bid on several of his items recently, a lot of them went for 99p + P&P, after paying for them i get an email from paypal saying the seller can no longer provide the items.


This would be fine if it was just the odd item, but then to see that items have been re-listed, well that really gets me, blatantly refusing to sell items at an auction if he/she deems them to have sold too cheap, makes me sad and the job of finding parts at a reasonable price all the harder.



Here endeth my rant,




PS: mods please move this if i put it in the wrong section

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Had this done to me loads, it ****es me off so much!! On the other hand I have just sold Corrado items and the winners haven't even contacted me, never mind paid!! So f***ing annoyed!!

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Just last week I was bidding on a set of rims, some little scrote with zero feedback, obviously a friend of the seller started bidding near the end of the auction, he bid right up until he was £10 over my maximum, he won the wheels! Surprise surprise, 10 mins later I get a second chance offer for my maximum bid, I politely told him to F-off and reported him for shill bidding. Annoying thing was, I really wanted the rims :bonk:

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Were they the design 5000s by any chance? If so, he got TOLD. Just writing "buy it now 650" in the description don't count as a reserve. Think he was foreign tbh

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Same thing with me , last week someone put an add on here saying they had loads of stuff for sale . I bought three items , asked them for a price to send it all together , two messeges and four days later i have not heard a thing .I cant find the post where it was put on here now to try and contact him .

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