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sandblasting booth ideas

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So iv got my new car and want to tidy a few things up on it ( calipers carriers ) things like that , iv got the sand and sand blasting gun , i want to know what you guys have used to catch all the sand dobit doesent go every where ! I was thinking along the lines of a small bivvy with a cover over the door bit or maybe jus a small cheap pop up tent , get in a zip the door shut and on the gogs

What have you done

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You need something a bit more heavy duty than that and even the ones machine mart sell leak so you must wear a proper mask, especially if using actual sand which is seriously bad for you.


To be honest you are best off finding a local place that will do bits for you for cash.

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Ahh not to be funny but how is the sand bad for you is it if inhale the dust or something like that ? I didnt know that tho and id never been on one so didnt know just how powerfull they was , obvs they take paint of things so ou wpuld have to be care full i just thaught u needed an area to keep the sand in

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I've bought a van safe to convert into a cabinet and use in conjuction with one of these






I gave £25 for the outback, used without keys. It weighs 60KGs so plenty hefty enough, my plan it to cut a window in the lid and use it in the greenhouse over winter.

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You could use an old oil drum thats cut in half to use as a container to blast into, but to be honest for hastle its worth it could be easier just to get your collection of bits drop them off aand pick them up later on once they are blasted. I use to use a heavy grit blaster, even that sometimes took a while to remove old paint or heavily rusted pieces and that thing had good bit of kick when you turned the hose on.

One thing I would say is once you items are blasted make sure you get some paint on top of the surface pretty quick.

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You need to contain and recirculate the blast media, failure to do this will result in media loss and expense to replenish. If you can achieve this DIY then all ok but it really depends on how much you will be doing.

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Im starting to think this is going to be harder than i first thaught ! Didnt realise there was that much to it although i think ill persivere , i like the satisfaction of doing the things myself but ill see how it goes

Liking the vault idea tho i could probs pik one up easy aswell as i no someone in the know ! I all else fails ill get my dad to build one hes a genius lol

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I priced up this job as I had a mass of metal to blast. Have a look in my Campaign thread for all the parts that were shot blasted. All the powder coated parts cost me £130 all in. Wasn't worth me having a go in the end. The paint alone would have come close to that.


NB: Shot basted sand is very bad for your body. Pro set ups use breathing apparatus.

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if you're only doing small stuff then would recommend Deox-C powder instead of sandblasting, just boil the kettle, dissolve some powder and leave the item to soak, with the occassional wire brush it gets it back to bare metal.

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