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Tristan H

alignment figures? edit... need bushes now!

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Going to check out the angles of the dangles on the 4 corners of my C tomorrow , anyone point me in the direction of what the best set up for road use is? thanks

Edited by Tristan H

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1995 16v. Runing a standard OEM suspension or modified, if modified how? Just shocks or lowered?



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1995 indeed , on Weitec coilovers , with oem 15in wheels , 195/50 15s . but only dropped about 30mm . it has a tendency to pull to the left , and to tramline over white lines . Going onto the lift this evening to have a good prod at all the suspension bushes and then re-align it . Just wondering are the settings from VW the best? I know on my old IS200 that the Lexus ones used to eat tires off...

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cheers Jay , that's kinda what I had in mind for a FWD-er , and then trim the toe in or out after a few weeks depending on how the tires are wearing . I'd be aiming for a half degree neg each side...is that what you mean by a degree of neg , or did you mean a degree each side?

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I tend to run 1 degree negative each side minimum. Always found it helps when you load the front end up a bit.

Tyre wear is pretty much always down to toe, which, assuming all the bushes etc are good, is why I run paralell.



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well , figures are gone out the window .... I need a LHS inner tie rod , and a RHS rear wishbone bush! Fit to fall out of it! OOPs..... One of the rear axle ones is a little tired looking too.... What are the best bushes to replace them with ? OEM , ones from other VAG cars , or Poly? Bear in mind its mostly country roads.

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I would go all OEM apart from the front wishbones, where I would put R32 ones in the back of the wishbone and powerflex in the front of the wishbone.



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well , figures are gone out the window .... I need a LHS inner tie rod , and a RHS rear wishbone bush! Fit to fall out of it! OOPs..... One of the rear axle ones is a little tired looking too.... What are the best bushes to replace them with ? OEM , ones from other VAG cars , or Poly? Bear in mind its mostly country roads.


At least if they found that much wrong with it that explains the handling - do all the bushes as above and it will be great!


Assume it's been a while since the MOT too?

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I would go all OEM apart from the front wishbones, where I would put R32 ones in the back of the wishbone and powerflex in the front of the wishbone.




what exatly makes the R32 ones better , are they stiffer?


At least if they found that much wrong with it that explains the handling - do all the bushes as above and it will be great!


Assume it's been a while since the MOT too?


Found all that myself! S'funny , it's not all that long since it was tested......someone musta known someone in the test centre...




is this 8N0407181B the bush part/number?

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