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Strange and very loud sneezing sound VR6

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Can anybody help me? I sometimes have a very loud sort of sneezing sound from my vr when starting, like a build up of pressure releasing, it immediately stops the car cranking and then starts fine. This has been happening since I have owned the car but happens only intermittently. When I had an alarm fitted recently they were coding in the key with ign on/off/on ect. and they reckon the plastic idle vacuum chamber thing just exploded! They replaced it though and it's still happening. The last time it happened it wouldn't hold its idle very well and the rev's were dropping too low, which now is the case every time I start it from cold, until it warms up very slightly (drive about 200m) then it's fine. :shrug:

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Give the ISV and it's pipework a good check. Clean the ISV, remove the pipes and make sure they're all clear.

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Thanks Cazza you're a genius! Cleaned my ISV out and found a suspect looking chunk of blue foam in one of the pipes, starts and idles sweetly now, and it's cost me nothing!

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