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Coilover Help

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Got avo coilovers on the car, not sure how long they have been on. But from past experience i have found out before that trying to lower them can be a bit of a pain


is there any way to inspect/check that they can be easily wound down etc and not come across any problems in doing so


i am not to sure how long they gave been on the car but they look ok

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Before winding them down, wire brush the threads VERY thoroughly and then give them a good spray with WD40. With any luck they'll then wind down without problems. It doesn't take much grit to completely sieze the spring perch.

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It's gonna take a good while on each one! Would obviously be much easier if you could remov em first, but if that's not an option, just take your time and do a thorough job. It's not difficult, just time consuming. If you manage to get them free, coat the thread with copper slip to ensure easier movement in the future. :o

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