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Please help my 76yr old dads pride and joy run smooth again!!!

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Morning peeps,

well i may of cracked it thanks to you guys. Instead of trying to explain what i found once its light outside ill take a few photos and post them a little later. Went for a drive afterwards with a quick try and see what happens and no cuts outs,fingeres crossed. Once again u guys rock.Post piccies later.

Many many thanks, (oh and my dads over the moon)


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Evening folks,

Here we go, I located the sensor, omg who put it there, wires looked ok, followed wires round the front of the engine to the connecter. The barcket that holds the connecter was just floating loose. Sometime ago a garage replaced the engine mounts for my dads car and must have left this bracket loose. I cleaned off the connector is discovered the red wire a chaffed through to the copper wire, were talking problably 5mm of wire. This must of been shorting out. You can see on the photo, the bracket and the right hand side wire, red one, is the cullprit. I temperarily tie wrapped the connect well away from anything metallic and weve driven the car numerous times over the last couple of days and not one stutter. Many thanks to you all for your input, helped bigtime,oh and my dad is so chuffed,ta from him. ANy one know where this bracket should be bolted too?

Cheers and thanks again,



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