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Sluggish 5th gear

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Installed my gearbox last week and now I have tried it out. Every gear change is smooth but the 5th gear change feels like its in syrup or something..


What can that be all about? Is it just some grease up and then it will be fine?


Any tips on where and what I can do to lube the cables?



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I’ve been using the following method of greasing Bowden style cables since I was a callow youth.


Disconnect the cable. It’s better if you can remove the cable completely but you can still do it with one end attached.


Get yourself a balloon and fill it with grease. The little hard water balloons that kids soak you with in summer are good.


Slip the balloon over the nipple and inner cable and tape it tightly to the outer cable.


Make sure the nipple is as far away from the outer cable as you can get it and GENTLY but firmly massage the balloon to force the grease between the inner and outer cables. Every now and again work the inner cable backward and forward inside the outer to help shift the grease along.


When you get grease coming out the other end of the cable you’re done. Shouldn’t take long to do.


Might not help your particular problem but it’s the best way I know of apart from a special cable greaser that I know.

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