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White plastic door pin clip

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Not sure what the actual name is but I've snapped the white plastic clip that the door pin clips into.


Do VW still sell them and does anyone have the part number/name?



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Yes they do stock them got mine from tps . part no is 357837084 or 357837083 one part no relates to the white one the other for the black . cheap as chips so you may as well get both .

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My next question is do you have to take the door lock off to fit it as there isn't much space beind the door card to get to.

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It will give you more room yes and remove the door card ,they are fiddley little things to fit .Mine were broken and sat in the bottom of the door so i had to find out which way they went . Remember to slide it into the door lock otherwise it wont work ,I did this , the pin rods were piverting like they should but the doors would not lock.matt came along n said well they wont will they there not attatched to the lock ! , i felt like a right plum .

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