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was giving the corrado interior a bit of a clean the other day and decided to have a quick look in the first aid kit as it's never been opened and i noticed it has a stick of chalk in it?


what the hell is it for? as i have done a few first aid courses and never noticed a stick of chalk being mentioned


is it for drawing the outline of dead bodies following an accident?


a possible remedy for heartburn?


is it for drying out vulcanising glue while fixing a puntured innertube on your bicycle?


im confused

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its so you can write 'HELP' on the pavement.







credit - yahoo answers.

Edited by aide

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seems like the warning triangle and hazard lights would be more effective, it looks like engineers chalk so would be pretty crap for writing on the road and only really noticable from above.

just seems like an odd thing to be in the first aid kit.

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You drive a German built car?


Its home market is the German people?


So it drives like a German to the rules of their road... yes??


nobody is injured, and the vehicles can be moved safely, you should mark the location of each vehicle, then move them out of traffic. You can mark the locations either by drawing a diagram of the site and vehicles, taking photographs, or using "traffic chalk" to mark the physical locations of the vehicles on the pavement before you move them.


Most German automotive first aid kits have a stick of traffic chalk (it looks like a big yellow or white crayon.) Secure the accident site using a warning triangle placed 100 meters behind the scene (200 meters on the Autobahn.)


http://www.gettingaroundgermany.info/regeln.shtml text is near the bottom in the accidents section.



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Chalk to mark the position of cars in an accident? You know what, that's a really good idea before everyone had a cameraphone.

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  Portent said:
Chalk to mark the position of cars in an accident? You know what, that's a really good idea before everyone had a cameraphone.


Yeah, but a small phone screen is a bit too small for a German traffic cop to look at the scene of the accident. Plus I wouldn't like to stand in the middle of a motorway wandering around trying to take photos. :lol:



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