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BBS RS771 Refurb

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Just checked some of my old threads and realised that about a year ago I started refurbing these wheels and have stalled out big time. Got the urge and a bit of time to get on with it now and was wondering about how to proceed. Have read a few threads saying nitromors and paint them. A lot of folk are saying DIY is fine if you can be bothered wioth the effort of all the flatting between coats of paint. I get that for something like a Speedline as they have larger flat areas that will show up imperfections quite easily. But just wondering about


1. Applying nitromors

2. cleaning up and filling dents etc

3. applying undercoat

4. flatting outer surface but not the sides of the spokes

5. repeating 3 and 4 a few times

6 then as 3 and 4 but final colour paint.


Has any one tried this on RS771s?


Anyone got pics?


Alternative might be to get them done professionally.


ATM the wheels don't really owe me much as I was able to use the tyres that came with them on the Touran, money saved on Touran Tyres is about the cost of the wheels and tyres in the first place.


Any thoughts and pics would be helpful





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You could probs get them blasted for around 100 quid so long as your not wanting any part of them chrome, then you could just primer flat and paint , i only took the pips off when i flatted mine and after paint and a good layer of laquer they came out fine

Im not sure lots of primer is good anyway as after time it sinks so you wouldnt have much flatting to do , also de-pippng them doesent take long at all its only a light rub over with 2500 grit

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Thanks for that. I think I'll give this a whirl on one of the wheels next weekend. If it comes out OK, then I'll go for the others.



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