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mr lobitos

air flow meter position

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about to embark on re-positioning the air filter (from the right to the left ) to get a good cold air feed to the bmc cda, have purchased all the relative silicon hoses , question is does it matter that the air flow meter is going to sit a lot further from the throttle body than it does now, thought i'd ask before i start, thanks for looking

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halfway through this , there's a breather from the crankcase going to a sensor which is on the black flexible pipe to the throttle body, the sensor is not in use , so can i blank this off or put a small filter there, help

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It's a heater for cold climates, not a sensor, but what ever you do, don't block the crankcase breather hose. By all means, block off the other things on the inlet hose if not needed.

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Any reason you don't want to pipe it back into the intake? 24Vs aren't especially heavy breathers like the 12V is. If you leave the rocker outlet open, you will smell fumes in the car (MOT fail) and the filter will quickly become clogged and drip oil out.

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thanks kev, have to fabricate a solid intake pipe tomorrow as the flexi pipe that demon tweeks said was suitable for the job just sucks together when you blip the pedal otherwise everything sits nice ,so will plumb the breather into the solid pipe , cheers

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