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Late Heater Controls

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I know this is probably a long shot being they've been deleted


but has anyone got a set of late spec heater controls for sale?... now for the long shot, cheap if possible?


All the ones I find on eBay are going for £100... I presume this is because they're not a deleted part.



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Someone has snapped off the blower speed settings bit, then taped it back on, but it's working intermittently which was alright, till I really needed to demist the other night and I couldn't get it to turn on at all :-(

it doesn't have to be a new one though, just working.


I tried to fix it again but I don't understand how it works, as it's not how much contact it's making that adjusts the speed, if you know what I mean


I'll post a pic when I get back from ASDA

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Wow!!!!! Ok..... Theres not much that can be done.... The housing it self is all broken.

If there was any part that I could save it with, I would send it to you... But afraid theres not much that can be done to it.

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I was faced with the same problem, needed one but they were all going for around £100.

Went to the mk4 golf heater controlls... A bit of work but £40 cheaper is well worth...

And they look better..... Work better.


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I'll look at the repair guide proper tomorrow when I'm more awake, I do like the mk4 heater controls, they suit it well, how much hassle were they to fit?


Just had a quick look on eBay and there's loads of MK4 heater controls, seems like the better option if it's easy enough to swap


Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2

Edited by petemcr

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Well the thing with the mk4 controlls is that its not a straight swap... You need the mk4 heater box, cables, loom... And needs some mods for it to fit

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Well the thing with the mk4 controlls is that its not a straight swap... You need the mk4 heater box, cables, loom... And needs some mods for it to fit


How did you get it to fit, I managed to get hold of some MK4 heater controls to see the difference, turns my blower on when I plug them in but the pull cables to adjust the heater box won't fit

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Have you looked at using the Passat one? There are some differences, tho' I can't remember what they are offhand, but they do work. I think there's a guide on the Wiki.


Another alternative is to retrofit the early style slider control panel, but you'd need the early heater box and matrix, too. An easier job than a Mk4, tho', I would think.


Or go the whole hog and retrofit a Climatronic system.

Edited by Anton Sobriquet

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