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idiot neighbour!

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Remember the main culprit here is the neighbour who is the dick not the dog

PS Got to take dogs out for a walk now:salute:

Edited by anne t

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  Macdaddy said:
BUT as an owner you know how much road sense your dog has.


Exactly this^^ baring in mind that where I live is very rural, I can hear a car approaching from a mile away and so can the dog, there are also no pavements on the majority of the roads around here, they're country lanes, my dog plods along 2ft in front of me on the side of the road as she's been trained to from the age of 12 weeks, the only reaction she gives to a horse passing or a chicken in a field on the other side of the road is a gentle wag, she's certainly no cat killer as she's been brought up with a very dominant one in the same house so she knows her place. It's not the same as living in a built up area, maybe I would feel differently in that situation, I'm aware of the dangers and consequences but I'm also aware of my dogs temperament and behavior, it's more normal to see dogs off leads around here than on.



  \ said:
Remember the main culprit here is the neighbour who is the dick not the dog


Exactly! If that's the case why did you earlier suggest that he rings the police and reports the dog as being 'dangerous' for chasing a cat? - which could potentially mean that the dog is punished (i.e put down)? I'd bet that if it wasn't for the breed there would have been no mention of 'dangerous dogs' or muzzles, it chased a cat ffs - if you've owned similar type dogs for 20 years then surly you should know more than most that they wrongly suffer from a bad reputation because of comments like this;


  \ said:
Report him for letting dangerous dog of leash


Again, I'm not sticking up for robbo's neighbour, but those of you that class a whole breed of dog as 'dangerous' and deem it necessary to muzzle them when out of the house clearly just misunderstand the breed due to bad press, let alone classing all owners as chavs/wimps/trying to look hard by their choice of dog.


I spose I should also step off the staffy soap box like Macdaddy having said my piece, I'm obviously hypersensitive to it as I've had to deal with it for a long time, I see it as the only bad aspect to owning a staffy as other than their rep they are absolutely fantastic family pets. And I'm also off out for a walk so wish me luck! :D


EDIT - dont just take my word for it btw, read it here - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/7239464.stm - or directly from the Kennel Clubs website who incidentally will only recommend 2 breeds for families with children and staffys are one of them -


Caroline Kisko, Kennel Club Communications Director, said: “It is no surprise that the Labrador Retriever has stayed as the most popular dog in most areas in the UK, it is intelligent and a truly devoted companion. Likewise, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is highly intelligent and affectionate, especially with children, but sadly people don’t always associate the breed with these qualities.


“There is a big problem in London and some other areas, where people choose a macho looking dog as a status symbol and train it especially to be aggressive, which is not the natural temperament of the Staffordshire Bull Terriers or other breeds. Others go into dog ownership with good intentions but without the right level of knowledge about what type of breed will fit their lifestyle and how to train them effectively.


“Any dog can be aggressive or difficult to control in the wrong hands and Discover Dogs is all about teaching people about the qualities that different breeds really possess, which ones would best suit their lifestyle and how to be responsible owners.

Edited by Walesy

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[ATTACH=CONFIG]60117[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]60113[/ATTACH]Right you seem to think i want the dog destroyed walesy the police at most would get an order for the OWNER to keep the dog under control,they speak to the owner not the dog

Have you read the full thread as in the neighbour what he does and i think you,ll find its not just staffies if the neighbour had any number of dogs.I have had loads of nasty comments when i,ve been out with my dogs ie how can you keep control of them when your a woman ?cause there trained

here is pics of stella/staffie,poppy/rottie,star,lab,rottieX,and COO american pitbullX the most timid dog i have ever owned PS as i have said Bad owners not Bad dogs

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  KADVR6 said:
well peronally i would never let any dog off its lead unless its in a quite park, what happens if your dog see's a cat or a bird etc etc on the other side of the road and it goes running over to play/attack?? and a car is coming down the road, yeh the dog could get run over and possibly killed, i could not live with myself for letting that happen.


Or a cyclist coming down the hill and the dog runs out from a path behind terrace houses built right up to the pavement edge as in Kips case???

The dog didn't sound as if it had enjoyed being hit broad side by a bike at speed and Kip certainly hasn't enjoyed his pain & discomfort and 6 weeks statutory sick pay. But it wasn't the dogs fault. It was the owners for not having control of his dog.


And it is the dog owners responsibily to comply to dog law. A collar with the owners name & ADDRESS (not just mobile number) should be worn in public places. And a dog kept on a lead when on the public highway.



But, back to the original reason for the thread. Yep, sounds like the neighbour is the problem. Keep records etc but, not knowing of you own your property, remember that any dispute with neighbours must be notified in sale particulars if/when you might ever sell.

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  KADVR6 said:
well peronally i would never let any dog off its lead unless its in a quite park, what happens if your dog see's a cat or a bird etc etc on the other side of the road and it goes running over to play/attack?? and a car is coming down the road, yeh the dog could get run over and possibly killed, i could not live with myself for letting that happen.



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  Walesy said:
Sorry but these 'dangerous dog' comments are ridiculous and absolutely ignorant, reporting the dog to the police for chasing a cat? are you for real? If it was a collie or a labrador would you be labeling it a 'dangerous dog' and suggesting that it should have to wear a muzzle or that it should be reported to the authorities? You might as well just bump the poor thing off by whacking it over the head with your Daily Mails.


EDIT - Also, I'm one of these 'wimps' who walks my staff off her lead and without even a collar every single day apparantly 'trying to look ard' - if anyone would like my details so they can report me for having my 'dangerous dog' off a lead and without a muzzle feel free to contact me and Ill pass them on.


I think its more aimed at the idiots that don't bring the dogs up properly, you often get idiots with staffies and unfortunately its them who are giving the dog a bad name. I think it needs reporting to the police as its the owner who's encouraging the dog to chase the cat. My Alsation/rock willer would chase a cat until I shout her, the owners that don't shout their dogs back don't deserve to have the dog as they do seem to be a bunch of whimps who like to think they're so called 'Hard'. But like I've attempted to explain here, I don't think the comments about dog owners are aimed at the good dog owners, they're aimed at the bad ones like the idiot neighbour.

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In all fairness Walesey i genuinely thought staffi's were part of the dangerous dogs act and have researched a bit today so now i know, however some are cross bred with pit bull's which are so i'd still not like to see one off the lead in public.


I'm still standing by my opinion that a lot (Not All) of these owners are wanna be chav like macho men.


I wouldn't be surprised if the dog I hit had to be put down either, but thats the stupid ignorant owners fault. it is law to have your dog on a lead on a public highway.

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Try being firm but at the same time try keeping calm!


I'm a reasonable guy but if someone started having a go at me for something I had done, even if I was in the wrong, the red mist would descend and that would be the end of any chance of an amicable solution. However if they approached me in calmer mannor and explained the problem without shouting etc then the chances are I'd be understanding and do my best to resolve the problem!


Most Chavs however are scum and when you have family/property that could be damaged in retaliation it's a hard call to make :-/


I've got a Caucasian Ovcharka and people cross the street when they see me coming, admittedly he's quite an intimidating dog but it always makes me laugh when people go out of their way to avoid us! I quite often end up kicking other peoples yappy little dogs that think they are hard and charge across the field for a fight, I figure the owners would rather I kick them than let the big fella sort them out!

Edited by borachris
Stupid iPhone spell checker!

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