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Spoiler Operation

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I know having the spoiler sitting up is one of the cool things on the C, however I quite often will drop it down after being on an above 55mph stretch of road and am now on a sub 55mph bit of road. 2 reasons, if it's sticking up 'someone' might think you've been speeding and it improves visibility out the back window, which I like to have when in more congested traffic.


OK, sometimes when I lower the spoiler it doesn't go down all the way, but will stop about half way down. If I release the button and then press it again to lower it, it will then drop the whole way. This happens if I'm going above 50 but below 55.


Is this meant to happen or is it actually getting stuck?





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it gets stuck, it should go all the way up and down in one moment each way.


I like to pretend in my mind i've got some special custom spoiler mod when i drive around with it stuck halfway

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I like to pretend in my mind i've got some special custom spoiler mod when i drive around with it stuck halfway


Seems reasonable to me. maybe we have the two custom spoilers

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I did give the entire mechanism a clean an grease 6 or so months ago but alas, it seems to need doing again. It doesn't really bother me so I'll do it on a weekend when other work doesn't need to be done to Rado (haha as if)

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I did give the entire mechanism a clean an grease 6 or so months ago but alas, it seems to need doing again. It doesn't really bother me so I'll do it on a weekend when other work doesn't need to be done to Rado (haha as if)


Did you clean the actual motor out ?

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Oh god you've just reminded me of the hassle I had with that! Yeah cleaned it all out because it wasn't working atall, loads of crap in the actual motor, but it seems to be holding up.

Is it possible to get a replacement motor?

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if it's sticking up 'someone' might think you've been speeding


You really don't have to worry about that. First of all, hardly anyone knows the speed those things go up in the first place, secondly, the speed they trigger changed on later models (if I recall, my H reg 16v used to operate at 40mph, my N reg VR6 at 65mph?), and most importantly if you do ever get pulled over and questioned about the fact your spoiler was up in a, say, 30mph zone you have the real argument that it doesn't go back down until after you drop below 20mph and since leaving a faster road where it legitimately went up, it has not had the chance to drop yet. Also, you could say it is broken and has a mind of its own. Also, none of that is admissible - they have to actually catch you speeding, not "think" you have been!!

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I didn't want to do this !

I can overlook one,maybe two ! But not three !!

Sounds like they all need cleaning and regreasing,link below



Brilliant - followed instructions and I have a happy spoiler again...

The motor was dirty and the grease for one of the 'raising rods' had some corrosion showing as though the inside of the tube had rusted.


Plenty grease and all back together.


Thanks again

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