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Replacing ARB bushes - VR

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Hi all,


Ive done a search and cant seem to find anything regarding the above subject - which i thought was odd. Maybe have a how to section of the forum for those of us who have not done a particular job before - mods?


Anyway, the corrado will be coming off the road now i have a second car. So i can do jobs as and when i please. So one of the jobs i want to do is drop links and ARB bushes. The drop links look simple enough - unbolt the droplink and slide it off the ARB. But how do you change the ARB bushes?


I see the ARB runs through ((above) a metal plate on either side which the rear subframe is also attached to. Do i need to drop these plates to change the bushes?


Anyone got a guide?


Cheers guys/gals.

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As far as i know you have to drop the subframe, this is how i did mine. All i can say is those clips are tight with the new bushes and i used some mole grips to push the clip down i also used some fairy so the clips slid a bit better, even with the subframe off it was a PITA job. IIRC the clips are so close to the underside of the car you have no choice but to at least drop the subframe a bit, but expect grazed knuckles and copious donations to the swear box.

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cheers daley.


so when you say drop the subframe, it is just the metal plate part or the whole rear subframe? Can i just undo the plates with a jack under the subframe to support the engine, are you then able to just lower the jack hence lowering the subframe?


Or am i talk tosh? :lol:

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The whole rear subframe, i dont know what plates you mean ahh the plates are attached to the subframe as it comes out all as one..


You can try just to unbolt the subframe and see if you can get to the clips holding the bushes on (then your gonna have possibly engine/components contacting bulkhead, or at least a little exhaust hanger stress ), i would rather put an engine support in place holding the engine (the one that spans the engine bay holding the engine by chains/bolts) and undo the engine mount bolts leaving the nut on top of the thread (major headache lining up engine mounts to subframe if you take it off) then undo subframe bolts to drop the subframe enough to get to the clips.


I haven't done it that way so wouldn't know the easiest thing to do (as i took my subframe off completely), i think the engine support then undo engine mount bolts (not all the way) then subframe bolts would be the safest way as theres less risk of doing damage by trying to lean the engine back whilst still connected firmly to the subframe.


It depends on whether you get enough clearance just by undoing the subframe bolts and tilting the engine back, you want to give yourself as much room as possible cos those brackets are horrible to put on, i did mine when the subframe was on the floor and i had my whole weight ( 14 1/2 st) trying to get those little buggers pressed on enough to get the bolt onto the thread.


Dont forget the engine/gearbox is heavy and you want the safest option for you and your car, the rear subframe bolts will probably have to be taken out because they are so short but try to leave at least two of the other bolts (one each side) in place because trying to line up your subframe with the engine on top, to the bolt holes going into the chassis will involve lots of swearing.


What i have just written will probably make no sense whatsoever......... :shrug:


Look at some of my pictures to try to work out whats going on with it



Edited by daleyboy

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yeah them plates are part of the subframe, the smaller bolt, think its the middle one of the three is what connects the bush brackets for the ARB.


Taken all my subframe off so its quite an easy job, but looking at it i could see it being pretty awkward with the subframe on the car

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The plates i was referring to are further back, i'll get a pic from etka later. - infact looking at etka may help a little.


EDIT - infact looking at ETKA i see what you mean i didnt realise the brackets at the back of the subframe held by 2 bolts either side were part of the actual subframe, though they were seperate. And yes the ARB does run above them.


Is it a big job to remove the subframe as it has the wishbones and allsorts connected to it. As well as the engine, but undo the engine mounts and support the engine isnt a problem.

Edited by Critical_Mass

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If you've got plenty if time and a spare vehicle. like it sounds like you have then you should be fine. To remove the subframe you need to remove the wishbone bolts. On 2 of the corrados I've owned and changed the wishbone bushes, the passenger side front wishbone bolt has snapped, hence the subframe has to be removed to sort. Don't want to sound like "teaching grandma to suck eggs" but always try to tighten these bolts slightly to break the corrosion before undoing.


With the engine supported, remove the wishbone bolts, then undo the 4 steering rack to subframe fixings. Support each side of the subframe on axle stands or similar. Undo the gearbox mount and rear engine mount centre bolts. Finally undo the 4 bolts either side of the ARB bush bolts (2 each side). The subframe should then drop down. If that doesn't give you enough access you will have to remove the subframe completely by releasing the wishbones at the ball joint end, either with the 3 ball joint fixings or pop the hub off the ball joint. If you disconnect the 3 ball joint fixings it would be wise to get the camber etc checked.


Obviously if you haven't already done the wishbone bushes this would be an ideal time.


The advice above about using mole grips or similar to hold the bracket around the new ARB bushes while getting the bolts in is spot on as they are a real pain, especially with new bushes.


Hope it goes well!

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I think i would prefer to undo the bottom ball joint rather than the wishbone bolts as the one on the drivers side wont slide out because its too close to the sump, so it would be rack (4 bolts) bottom ball joint (3 bolts a side) then undo the arb (one bolt a side) then obviously all the engine mount bolts then the subframe bolts.


Thats obviously just my opinion............. :wave:

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iv got this to look forward to, mine so needs it done, might be worth asking the mk3 guys on vr6 OC as its prety much the same thing,

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I think i would prefer to undo the bottom ball joint rather than the wishbone bolts as the one on the drivers side wont slide out because its too close to the sump, so it would be rack (4 bolts) bottom ball joint (3 bolts a side) then undo the arb (one bolt a side) then obviously all the engine mount bolts then the subframe bolts.


Thats obviously just my opinion............. :wave:


Spot on mate, thought the front wishbone bolt held the subframe to the chassis...my bad. So forget what I said about removing the wishbones from the subframe and remove subframe, wishbones and arb as one complete unit, as correctly described by daleyboy...

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