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Any other R/C aircraft nerds out there

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I got two helicopters (esky honeybee v2, and a e-flite blade 400 3d) they are super tough to fly in anything other than no wind at all. Knowing that if you crash its gonna cost at least £30 and three hours work takes the fun out a bit.......


So i bought a HPI Bullet ST Flux (4wd basher) lot more fun, and much less likely to lose a finger when you use it...........

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  daleyboy said:
I got two helicopters (esky honeybee v2, and a e-flite blade 400 3d) they are super tough to fly in anything other than no wind at all. Knowing that if you crash its gonna cost at least £30 and three hours work takes the fun out a bit.......


So i bought a HPI Bullet ST Flux (4wd basher) lot more fun, and much less likely to lose a finger when you use it...........



get into plans man,way more fun and the new foam stuff is unbrekable, heli's have always been a pain my dads m8 had 78 stiches as his suffered interference and chased him all the way down the field trying to chop his legs off :lol:

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I started with Planes and managed to get the hang of them but didnt really go any further.

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Used to fly control line planes then built my first RC one. A while later as I surveyed the pile of balso and broken expensive bits decided enough was enough. Moved on to RC boats.

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  Wullie said:
Used to fly control line planes then built my first RC one. A while later as I surveyed the pile of balso and broken expensive bits decided enough was enough. Moved on to RC boats.


see nows the time to get back into it m8,planes are buttons now from china ready to fly just about and since all the new electric gear came out like lipo batteries etc,you can get pretty much indestructible models that are highly aerobatic, my dad has things with 3m wingspans like extras etc but i just get little park flyers and a few sets of batteries for tener each and you can repeat charge off ya car and fly all day


check this out for proof,easy way to get highly skilled without all the hassle of constant rebuilds


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I used to have a tamiya madcat, enjoyed building the thing as much as tearing around the garden with it! :turn-l:

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