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K Simmonds

Corrado values in New Zealand??

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My Brother is emigrating too New Zealand at some point in the next year. He's considering shipping a Corrado out as a longer term investment, as well as to enjoy. Are there any members from NZ on here who could give me some insight as to what they are worth out there?

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I am from NZ.


There were originally 13 NZ New Corrados, all 16v. There are around 8 other corrados, all imports. We have 1 g60 (singapore import in poor condition), 4x VR6s (two of which are storms), the other two autos.


Around 4 NZ New rado's have been written off so in total there's around 17 left on the road. I've had three of them :)


There's one 16v for sale at the moment for $9,500 in good nick. The listing has just expired.


In a nutshell, it'll be a pain in the ass to import it. You won't be able to register it until it's 25 years old (classic). There may be a way around that but i'm not 100% on it, you'd have to research into it. But that would be to see if it's on the special vehicles import list (i'm pretty sure it is) but there will be another process for that. Otherwise you could import it and leave it in the garage until it's 25th birthday.


If I was to import a corrado, i would make sure it's either a high spec VR6 or G60. Don't bother with a 16v as it's just not special enough. Resale value, depends on the car. NZ New will be more desired obviously, but there are only around 3 g60 motors in NZ (one in a car and two in bits). A G60 may command a higher resale price, as would a high spec 2.9 VR6 (we only have 2.8L VR6 motors here excl. the few VR6 rados we have).


I recently sold a UK 2L 16v in good condition for $6500 and threw in a set of coilovers for it. That was a good price, but it wouldn't have been worth more than 8k on a great day. I bought my (originally 16v) rado for $5500 about 7 years ago, and another 16v in worse condition for $5,000 about 4 years ago. Prices have increased since then so for a great 16v car you would expect closer to 10k.


If you can give me pics/details on the car he wants to bring with him I may be able to help a bit more.

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Thanks very much for the highly detailed answer, so they are very scarce out there, much as I though. I've done a little poking about on the net and came across the 16V up for $9,500 and the original import figure of 13 cars. I was expecting more to have found their way over, but I suppose the hassle put people off.


He hasn't got a particular car in mind yet, hence me asking about values to help decide what would be the best model to ship out. As you quite rightly point out it will be a pain in the ass so it need's to be worth it it in the long run. Sounds like a G60 would be the best bet considering there's only one rough one out there.


When my brother was last out there for a long stay a year or so ago he was mates with a guy with a 16V on South island. I'll find out his name latter, the odds are you know of him what with such a small number of Corrados being on your roads.

Edited by K Simmonds

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Right, well if he hasn't bought a car yet, then my advice would be to buy the best possible example he could afford. There was a great condition blue 24v rado with black leather interior and 17" Azev As for sale in the UK for around 3750 pounds a few weeks back.. That's a very similar spec to my car. Not that i'd ever sell mine, but if I was, it'd probably command around $13 - 15k.


The guy in the South Island, can't remember his name but it would have been the red 16v? Since then it was rear ended, and shunted into the car in front, so was written off and rebuilt using facelift parts from a g60 parts car ex japan. It's now been onsold to another guy in the South Island.


More than happy to help if you have any questions further down track.

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Yep, it was a Red 16V. Sorry to hear it got shunted, though glad to hear it's lived to see another day.


I hear what your saying about the 24V car, that's a bargain whatever way you look at it, however, would it not be best to invest in a completely original car? Especially in the long term, my brother intends to keep the car for some years as he's yet to own his own Corrado though he's always wanted one and loves mine. He very nearly bought the G60 I have now, in fact he had first refusal on the car but was put off by the LHD and the fact it needed a major service including a cam belt and charger rebuild. So I think he'll keep it as a second car for special occasions, weekends etc and pick up something cheap and Japanese to hack round in out there.


Thanks again for for the offer of more advice, much appreciated. Also thanks for taking the time to reply in such detail.

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By all means, if original is what he wants, then go with it. In either case (modified or original) I'd be looking to buy the best example he could afford!

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