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Urgently required: VR6 gearbox mount (+info)

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Hey all,


Sent the C in for slam panel replacement plus a few bonus bits late last week. The garage have just rung up to tell me that the knocking noise that I thought was coming from the nearside suspension was actually because the metal part of my gearbox mount has disintegrated and the engine's been bouncing up and down :( The inserts are still available but the surrounding metal bracket is on 14-day backorder from Germany... Since the bumper etc have already been removed I'm not dead keen on either paying for labour twice to have it all taken apart again or driving it around with it failed!


Vagcat is down at the moment so I can't confirm the part number - I'm also not sure if it'll be different to the regular VR6 one because mine's an auto.


If anybody has one in their garage stash I'd be eternally grateful - likewise if anybody knows if the manual one will do as an alternative, or any source that'd be faster than VW then any pointers would be very much appreciated.


Thanks in advance!



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I have a spare mount. But are you after the actual bit of subframe it sits in?


Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk 2

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If you need one of these:




I've got a couple of spares kicking about you can have, just trying to confirm for you if your auto setup uses the same mount.

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Right, so Vagcat came back up and I had another chat with the garage to confirm - it's the frontmost motor mount that sits on the crossmember and bolts onto the gearbox. The part that failed is the metal bracket structure on top that sits between mount and gearbox (which, annoyingly, is different between auto and manual) and after failing it's bounced up and down on the mount and smashed it. So if you have one of the front mounts I will take you up on it, Stu...


The part number is 357 199 273C ('Console front / automatic') - also used on Golf/Jetta? Any ideas most welcome...



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Right ok, I understand now.


It's essentially the VR6 Auto version of this:




Which I'm pretty sure I don't have :(


Would imagine a manual one can be modified to work...

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Would imagine a manual one can be modified to work...

Apparently it sits at a different angle to the manual box (brings the engine slightly further forward to accommodate the bigger box) so it would need some bending...


Got a couple of feelers out but it's not looking very promising :(

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Scratch that, I now have two of them :lol:


They look identical to Stu's pic but with AUTOMAT stamped into the front. I'll compare and contrast when I'm next over...

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