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Advice wanted on learning to fly,anyone got their pilots license ?

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  Fanjita said:
You talking about owning a plane? Not sure at all sorry. Ill be hiring for a long time to come!


I don't thin it is a microlight mate. I've been up in an rv7a and its quite a machine! I think if not just a light aircraft itd be classified as a vla which is still heavier than a microlight.


Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2


Well if i went for it full time i would like to own one, seems rv8's are avaiiable for 40k when i looked and i was talking about getting a Porsche so maybe i could just drop a t16 engine in my 205 instead and save up for one :lol: my main interest is aerobatics as its all ive flown with the models for years now,a long long way away i know but if i keep my job,few years away i could afford one perhaps..a man can dream cant he haha


I getting my gti back on the road over next few weeks and then ill be starting my lessons hopefully :),its a tough call as i really fancy a new 1.5m yak to throw around so it may be delayed one more week if i pull out 180 quid for that :p

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If you're handy with a saw and screwdriver.......http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mignet_Pou-du-Ciel


Seriously though, if you want to do it then do it. Now the idea's in your head you'll regret not trying it.

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