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Wanted : standard VR6 air-box

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I'm after a standard airbox for a VR6 Corrado.


Anyone got one that's reasonably priced?





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Not got one I'm afraid, but just thought I'd say hello Geeman! You got a Corrado now? inferior to the S4 in so many ways, but so much more fun! lol Still got mine, friend is driving it now.

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Hi Bud,


Nope, not got a Corrado... the MK2 swallowed a 2.0 16v ABF motor from a Mk3 I bought. It just needs an airbox to complete, and I've been told a Corrado VR airbox will fit quite snugly. The standard Mk2 box is no good due to having an AFM built in and the Mk3 box is too wide to fit the Mk2 bay.


I think I may have managed to also track down a Mk2 GTD box (which is a perfect fit) but I'm just covering all bases!

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