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Is anyone else really enjoying this Leveson inquiry?

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Seeing all these big wigs squirm is fabulous. These dicks run our country.

Edited by Peebee

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Yep has a certain degree of schadenfreude for sure, nice see the tabloid turds behaving themselves too.

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  dr_mat said:
I'm not sure "enjoy" is the right word. But I see what you mean ...


No you're right, LOVE is a better word. Seeing David Cameron get grilled and Robert Jay tripping him up at every corner. Im obviously not a conservative.

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Whole thing is boring me now, so what people network and look to others in positions of power, tell me something I don't know. More important to us is the mess that is the euro zone, that could f # @ $ all of us up.

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Boring is .. one issue. But it's quite important that even if the Leveson doesn't come out and make changes at the end of it then at least the political system will have had a wake-up call. We cannot afford to let them brush this **** under the carpet and quietly drop the story. The population (controlled by Murdoch in most cases, remember), have the attention span of goldfish. We let these politicians do this **** TO US and we should make them stand up and justify themselves so they think twice before doing it again.

The Euro issue is of course another significant problem, but there's room in this world for more than one significant problem. Such as global warming, finite oil, the UK's impending inability to make electricity, our inability to pay for the money our parents spent, etc etc ..

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I enjoy listening to how words are used by these fine, expensively educated people (ha! ha! well.. some of 'em!). Liking Mr Jay.

I have appeared as an expert ("ffs - he must be joking!") in court off and on for the past 20 years and it is difficult not to feel you are inadequately equipped when you face some of these advocates/barristers under cross examination. I just remind myself that the man who collects the pigswill becomes an expert compared to them.

One thing I have noticed about lawyers, etc. is that, whilst they may know nothing about something initially, they very quickly assimilate anything new they learn.

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  craigowl said:

One thing I have noticed about lawyers, etc. is that, whilst they may know nothing about something initially, they very quickly assimilate anything new they learn.


Yep agree with that they tend to learn surprisingly quickly, but often their subject knowledge is very superficial. That's no criticism, they learn what they need to in order to pose the tricky questions. Credit to you being an expert witness, something I'm toying with doing myself in future but not so keen on the legal proceedings, it must be tough!

Edited by aide

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  davidwort said:
Whole thing is boring me now, so what people network and look to others in positions of power, tell me something I don't know. More important to us is the mess that is the euro zone, that could f # @ $ all of us up.


This is far bigger than politicians been corrupt man,if this bid had been put through with this backhander murdoch would be in control of pretty much all western world media.He could influence/brain wash a whole generation by what he feeds in the news and what he is told/payed to feed by corrupt scumbags likes cameron and god knows in the U.S....do you want that for your kids i know i dont as its like big brother of something but under your nose.


Id slit the *******s throat and not think twice,him and that Canadian ******* also were the two who helped bring the unions down with thatcher and hes a real nasty piece of work , Ferrell upper classes....grind my gears


This is serious stuff and needs to be pushed.......cameron is sitting lying through his teeth at the levison so do you really want a man of that calibre running your country........



I just hope there bribe isnt big enough for the wrong person at news of the world and it all comes out :)

Edited by corrado_sunderland

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It's just crazy that this whole episode has been allowed to take place, how such a scumbag man could become more powerful than our own government.

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i have watched this inquiry for a few weeks and all i can say never seen a bunch of liaring twats ever and cameron is top of the tree, its going the way of water gate and yes all loved murdoch and his millions i hope the truth will come out when the queen bee goes to trail and watch the house of cards fall

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Yeah been watching this for ages, and sorry to say that none of it has surprised me. They are all lying basterds with their selective amnesia. That's why I treat politicians, councillors, etc with the contempt the feckers deserve.


You want to see corruption, then just take a look at the Boards of Directors of councils and public sector organisations. The same faces on each others boards scratching each others backs. All paid for by the tax we pay.........don't get me started on politics lol

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