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Dr Forinor

Engine won't start

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Since I have had the Corrado off road, I have had it hooked up to a trickle charger, and every few weeks I would start the car up so make sure the juices were flowing etc etc.


Recently I tried to start it again, but it wouldn't. I just get a "click-click-click-click" but no cigar. Any ideas anyone? I'm not the most mechanically minded....


I don't even know where the starter motor is :(

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Sounds like your battery is knackered. If it's clicking it's because it doesn't have enough charge to even turn the engine over.

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I'd go with battery too - it looks like its trying to turn over but not enough power. The basic trickle chargers lose their ability after a few months. I would recommend the Optimate. I have an Optima yellow top battery, but even it will go flat after 10 days of being left unused. I have checked for battery drain but no cigar. I think this is a common feature with the VR.....

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So if your trickle charger is still working then it's just as likely the starter has seized up.

One thing I have found with trickle chargers (got an optimate myself) is that they lose the ability to decide if your battery needs charging or not if the cables and connectors are absolutely perfectly clean.. A bit of corrosion on one of the contacts and the charger "sees" all kinds of weird numbers from the battery and it gets confused.

The ultimate check is to lift the bonnet and slap a voltmeter across the battery terminals. If it's reading less than about 11.6 volts it won't turn the car over.

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In relation to this, can anyone recommend a decent jumpstart pack? Ie a booster pack?


Yes I know booster cables will work, but for this I need a booster pack.

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I was actually in Halfords today and that is the one I sorta fancied. But I have been known to be stung before (either in terms of bad the product was, or how expensive it was) because I have been impatient to wait and seek advice from people who know more, or search online for a cheaper price.


It's good to know that it's worked well. Anyone else any recommendations? Or should I just go for that one? Do you think it's worth £100?

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I don't know if that one is worth £100 but I have one of these: http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?q=jump+starter&hl=en&safe=off&prmd=imvns&biw=1366&bih=679&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=9332195410660767750&sa=X&ei=rV3nT8ShBoGb1AW-34GWCQ&ved=0CL8BEPMCMAU


It's sold under many different brands in quite a few shops but always has the same plastic moulding, possibly in a different colour. Looks, feels and is cheap but I got one from the local market years ago for £25 and it's saved my bacon many times. I can personally vouch for its performance starting a VR6 :)


Oh, and a CTEK MultiXS charger would be a worthwhile investment to bring a battery back from the brink. They're not cheap but will pay for themselves in one or two goes if it avoids you buying a new battery.

Edited by nrc

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That one was also in Halfords, for £60.


Thing is, since last Jan I have had a CTEK MultiXS 3600 charger connected up to it, but it obviously has failed around 18months down the line, or did I expect too much from it?

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Yeah, Halfords will add quite a markup. You'll likely find it cheaper in a smaller shop.


Those CTEKs are designed to be left permanently connected so like dr_mat suggested I'd be checking the battery posts and terminals are in good order.


A good tip is to smear the tops of the terminals with Vaseline when they're connected and working to prevent moisture and keep things clean. Well, not quite clean as they'll be covered in Vaseline, but you know what I mean ;)

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I just find it strange that the contact point has managed to get to a stage where it can be classed as "needing cleaned" so far down the line when my garage is fairly clean though?


I suspect possibly the CTECK charger has packed in?


EDIT: If it is the case that the charger is fine and just the terminals are needing cleaned, should I just wipe 'em clean? Or some specific method you would recommend to clean them properly?

Edited by Dr Forinor

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Some fine sandpaper should see them right. Use WD40 if they're a bit greasy.

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