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Front right wheel knocking noises

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I am noticing this problem with my corrado, coming from my front right wheel area (from what I can tell). I started noticing the sound when I backed out of my driveway with the steering wheel turned all the way to the left. At the end of my driveway there is a small dip, and as soon as I went over this dip the noise became apparent. At first it would only make the noise while I was backing up with the steering wheel turned to the left. The noise sounded like a knocking sound, and it was speed sensitive. If I was going really slow, it would take longer for the noise to occur.


A few hours later I got back into my car and the noise wouldn't occur at all, that is, until the next day. The noise has transformed from a knocking sound into a mixture between a knock and a sound of something winding down and rubbing on something else. I'll notice the sound now while I coming to a stop, and it will usually happen under 20 mph. From what I can tell, it doesn't make the noise while I'm accelerating. This noise doesn't occur all the time, I'd say I'll hear it maybe 15% of the time I come to a stop.


I had a good friend look at the car (he is a VW fanatic, but usually only deals with bugs), he jacked the front end of my car up, then had me start the car, put it into first and let the clutch out until the wheels started spinning. The front right tire was spining fairly quickly, but the left tire was nudging along in slow jerks, about an inch at a time. Since he doesn't usually work on Corrados, he told me he wasn't sure if this was supposed to be happening and I might have a differential problem, and to go on here and ask you guys since you're the corrado experts. Is this something that should be happening? Or does it sound like I have a differential problem? And also would this possibly be linked to the noise I'm hearing coming from the car?


I noticed Hoppum has a post about a similar problem.


If anyone has any ideas, of what it could possibly be, I would love to hear it.


Thanks guys.

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Low speed knocking sound on a car that happens when the steering is on lock,usually means the drive shaft is knackered.Put it on full lock and drive away slowly,you should hear it.I reckon thats ya problem mate

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