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Crash at GTI International just heard through twitter

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Just heard through Twitter and Ed38 that a car has come off the strip and gone into some people watching at the side


"Terrible accident at GTI International. Somebody has ploughed into the crowd. Air Ambulance just landed. Fingers crossed for them.


Car has came off the strip and into the crowd at #Inters feel sick thinking about it #fb


Off twitter.....


Hope every makes a full recovery and are alright thoughts go out, i was there last year just shows....wrong place wrong time

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I just read the same on edition. Aparently the car was a seat Leon and the steering wheel came off.

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I've just got home, I had only been there 10 mins spectating on the opposite side which is the side the Leon was sprinting along and in front of our eyes the car just veered across to the other lane but then just kept on going and straight into the spectators, it was sickening to see. Everyone made a run for it in the same direction to their right but it all happened so quickly I'm sure the car just ploughed straight into some people. I hope everyone survives with minor injuries...

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I did not see the accident, but air ambulance landed as I was leaving. Hope all are okay, but sounds nasty.

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Sh!t :| That's terrible. This is an absolute disaster for Inters :| I hope no one was killed :(

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Just copied this from the TT forum! Doesn`t sound good



Just got home and I just cant believe it !! The bloody Seat's steering wheel came off and he ploughed into the crowd !! 3 people taken away by air ambulance with broken pelvis , legs and shoulder. It really was a truly gruesome site to see people being knocked out of the way by a fast moving car


Took it easy on the way home I can tell you.



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I saw this from the grandstand, something I won't forget too soon, took it easy on the way home, think in delayed shock tbh, as mentioned, 3 people injured, 2 in hospital but stable, me and my two mates walked back down to the show and shine area, stopping people going up and yelling at idiots who were frankly too busy posting to FB and the like to get out the way of the ambulance!

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OMG! I really hope they are all ok. Accidents do happen but you just don't expect or even think about anything like that happening at shows.


I hope they make a full recovery and thinking of them.

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In case anyone isn't following this on another forum, I just read that all 3 involved are alive and have been discharged from hospital today. If anyone was at the event happens to have footage, the organisers are asking for it to continue their investigations.

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The steering wheel came off?! That could have only happened from the owner taking it off and forgetting to tighten the nut up again, surely?

And what about the brake pedal, and / or trying to put it back on the shaft and steer it back into line? Unless it was one of those clip off anti-theft steering wheels?

I'm not professing to be a disaster aversion expert, but surely in the time it takes to veer across lanes, you'd think the driver would think to jam his foot on the brake!??


Group B rallying got banned for the same reason - cars hitting specators. This will be a nail in the coffin of sprinting at inters, if not the show altogether.

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I was led to believe it was a snap off steering wheel and I am sure he braked and tried putting the wheel back on, but the whole thing would have happened in a very short space of time if travelling at 70 mph. I think I would give the driver the benefit of the doubt, without knowing all the facts. I was there, but glad I did not see the actual accident.

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Absolutely it happens very quick and we all know what FWD torque steer can be like, so with no steering wheel, it'll veer off under power instantly. Not trying to point the finger of blame, just trying to understand how / why it happened. I still think even at 70mph with modern brakes, it should have reduced the impact speed considerably, but you have to think quickly and have sharp reactions.... plus panic would have set in, which doesn't help matters.


Must admit, I've never been a fan of those snap off wheels.....

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Apparently he was right at the end of the track so could even have been at over 70MPH depending how powerful the car was.. and knowing how close the track is to the barriers at Inters, bearing in mind reaction time plus surprise and shock at what had just happened I would be surprised if the driver even had time to get on the brakes.

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It really could have been anything. There is a video on youtube of a Victor bomber doing a fast taxi (at Bruntingthorpe I think).


Something happened to the pilot and he froze allowing the plane, which is not allowed to fly, to take off. Thankfully the co-pilot realised before it was too late what was going on and just as it took off, managed to bring it back down safely. In work just now, so can't get on youtube to find the link,it's some video. (maybe someone no here pointed it out once?)


So could literally have been anything - epilepsy, muscle seizure, panic, mechical failure, blow out whatever. Let's hope they do managed to pin it down and come up with a practical solution, rather than anything silly like an all out ban or whatever.

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