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Engine mount shot???

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I have a bit of an issue with my engine rocking about!


When trying to drive my car just on the clutch moving slowly the engine rocks about alot!


My car is ment to have had new rear and gearbox mounts and the front mount is a vibratec one


How can i tell what is wrong, its starting to annoy me now when trying to quielty drive the car on my drive way!

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Are all the mounts done up nice and tightly? Put the handbrake on, car into first and lift clutch to biting point. Repeat on/off several times. You will notice any excess movement by doing this. Easier with someone else to do the clutch work, but you can do it on your own as you can see the top of the engine from the driver's seat through the windscreen and under the open bonnet.


Maybe worth undoing the mount top bolts and jacking a few mm, lowing down onto the mounts again and leaving to idel for a while before tightening back up. This will allow them to settle into position properly.


Only other thing is maybe it's not idling great. Mine was a bit like this as I had a knackered stat that wouldn't let the engine water temp go above 80 C long enough to adapt the idle. It had lots of vibration similar to your vid. I changed the stat, ran up to temp and then disconnected the battery for a few mins. Then reconnected and took for a drive, stopping to idle for a couple of mins halfway through. Now idles as smooth as anything, and that's with front/rear poly mounts and a solid MK2 Golf diesel mount.

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