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Random Juddering/Kangerooing..

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Hi guys,


Had my Corrado for nearly a week now and am loving every minute of it, its such a lovely car to drive and pulls well all the time and gets looks and i generally love it, although it has one problem.


Its an intermittent problem where when the car reaches 5000/5500 rpm its kangeroos majorly, like you've just driven in to a wall. It did this when i first took a mate out in the car about 2 hours after i bought it which was rather embaressing, but we thought it had been sitting a while so i gave it a good service and it seemed to sort the problem, no more juddering, but today, pulling on to a roundabout, there it was again, rather scary considering a huge MPV type thing was coming at me!!


Any ideas on what i could do or check to change this? If it helps its a 2.0 16v.





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Any history? Got a chip or some other mods on it? I don't know how smart the 2.0 16v engine is - can you read off the error codes? Major kangarooing might be caused by a sensor failure (i.e. total loss of power).

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My 16v started to do the same thing a few weeks before the fuel pump gave up. I think there are different fuel delivery setups for different engines / year. Mine has a lifter pump in the tank and one under the car toward the rear on the drivers side (next to the fuel filter). That's the one that quit on mine.

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id check the usually suspects first, crank postion sensor,ht leads,coil pack,change fuel filter,etc (easiest first and cheapest)


2.0 16v has one undercar pump,filter is beside it.


But sounds more like a coil/ht problem rather than fuel especially as its at high rpms in lower gears.check for loose electrical connectors too!

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