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Corrado needed for wedding!

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Hi there,


Wasn't sure whether this is the right place for this post but anyway, I am getting married on the 29th September this year! I have previously owned a black VW Corrado VR6, and had many years of great motoring, and during that period I met my know future wife to be. I would love to drive away from the church to the reception (20mins) in a Corrado.


It's a long shot but if there are Corrado owners nearby who want to earn a bit of cash here are the details:

Where - Wheathill nr Ludlow (Shropshire)

When - Saturday 29th September, 1pm to 4 pm.

Plan - Owner drives to where I am staying, I then drop them of at reception which is 2mins down the road. I drive off to the church with best man. Get married and,drive back to reception. Hand over car to owner. I have a clean driving licence and will get insured on the car.

Price - will negotiate a fee with whoever is interested


Thanks for looking


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