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About MedwayCorrado

  • Rank
    He's a Very Naughty Boy
  • Birthday 03/22/1992


  • Plus One
  1. Wow, thats lovely..the front end reminds me of mine :) Can only wish to have the rest of mine looking like yours one day.
  2. Yeah so, today it happened, i knew it was going to as when i got with her she said thats her plans, but it just crept up on us and today at about half 7, off she went..and wow, it hurts so much more than i thought it would.. Anyone ever been through this or got any tips on what to do? Doesn't help that my mates are either A) On holiday B) Being total idiots..
  3. I posted indicators the other day £12.60, so im guessing around that price..
  4. Just thought I'd upload a few pics :)
  5. Sorry mate, if you've got standards, get some orange tint film.
  6. Hi, Not too sure about the fitment side of things, but i do know that adapters are very good and made to a high quality..I'm the same as you and have driven all my cars with enthusiasm a few have had adapters and i've never had problems or troubles. I had 7.5j borbets on my corrado running 215's and i had LOADS of room left in the arch.. Probably doesn't help much, but, at least i tried :)
  7. Thats fine mate, give me a pm if you need any more measurements.
  8. Good luck mate, rare as rocking horse poo! Maybe get standard ones and tint them orange?
  9. Yeah its coming on okay, yeah literally put the wheels on the day before these pictures were taken haha, didn't get a chance to get any, its on my list though mate ;)
  10. Just done the distance from floor to the top of the bit you put your bum on and its 13cm.
  11. Ah haaa!!! Its a late :)
  12. Yeah K reg, i dunno how to make sure?
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