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Sky Offers?

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Might be a long shot but I'm about to join Sky as a new customer ...


In a typical case of bad timing, they've literally just stopped an offer for half price subscriptions for a year. Doh.


So I was just wondering if anyone works for Sky, or knows someone who does that might have a spare friends and family code?? Or any other nice little incentives that I could snaffle for that matter. Figure if I'm getting locked in for a year, I might as well make the most of it!


Cheers in advance :)

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Smart ass :lol:


Why the hell not though? I'd rather have £350 in my pocket than theirs.


I'm only asking as a bloke on the MLR forum is an engineer and has loads of friends and family vouchers (half price for a year) that he's just giving away. He just bloody ran out though!

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Lol ... close Kev! A full HD package is about £62 a month!


If I can get that half price for a year, or a free 1tb box, I don't mind giving a few handjobs here and there.

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That s why I gave up my subscription. The cost is madness. If you can get it for half price then its just about worth it. I look at it as paying for my insurance for my car and my partners.

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Aye - hence the request really. I've been a customer for years (in my ex's name) so finally cancelled that and looking to get a good deal for a 12 months hopefully.


Problem is on the Isle of Man you only have 2 options: Sky or Freeview.


Have to admit, if it wasn't for the Sport/high def channels, I probably wouldn't bother at all.

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Balls. One day too late!


Wonder if it's something they'll run again soon.

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There'll probably be offers going up to Christmas. If you're going to wait then PM every so often and remind me your looking.

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Cheers, appreciate the offer. Do you work for Sky then?


Wonder if it's worth trying to blag it on the phone? :grin:

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  VR6 said:
Cheers, appreciate the offer. Do you work for Sky then?


Wonder if it's worth trying to blag it on the phone? :grin:


Yes, blag it, finished or not, they want your cash and usually give you some sort of deal

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If you get a referral you and the referee both get £75 voucher for M&S or similar. Just done this with my sister. I don't mind referring you lol

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Cheers HJ ... I know they do that but I think at the moment, for new customers they offer £100 M&S vouchers just as an incentive anyway, without needing the referral. Obviously the referral helps though, £150 vs £100. As long as it's a 100-50 split ;)

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Good plan, although that wouldn't pay for my Xmas morning drinks :lol:

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I know the feeling. A bloke at work got me on to Christmas port the other year. Without sounding like a 32 going on 50 year old it was good advice now. Have an expensive bottle of 83 vintage readying for the day.

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I had a cheeky little port last night as it happens. God I sound like me nan :lol:

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