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Possible Flaw with cams?

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Just removed the engine to do some jobs in engine bay and thought id look check over the cams whilst im there.

I noticed this on one of the lobes [ATTACH]69967[/ATTACH]

Its got a minor gouge thats pitted as though a flaw in the material.


Il be taking the cam to a engine specialist but just wanted to guage thoughts..


Regular oil changes, magnetic sump plug and never debris found.




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This apparently is quite common.


I bought a set of ABF cams for mine, which had pitting of various lobes. Various 'expert' sources told me they should be fine. Put them in and run them for a 1000 miles and check. I have done this - so far so good.

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Yeah I've seen that happen to a few sets of SP263s. Email him with pictures and he should send a replacement set over. I think he had a bad batch.

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