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Got man flu....any remedies?

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  craigowl said:

$hit! - I have been ill for about 6 weeks. Firstly had the worst 2-day flu virus for decades - fever for 36 hours. Got that after being down in Harrogate and Leeds! I was visiting my childhood haunts of 57 years ago.

My throat has swollen and I have not been able to swallow certain foods without choking and have lost my voice quite a bit. Doctor has booked hospital inspection with the endoscope.


I got worse just after having the "Flu jab" for pensioner age folks! Do they understand risks of these things properly, I am asking myself.



funny you should say that mr owl as i work in harrogate and live in leeds and ive had this evil flu for about 3 days now, feeling alot better today though. However the gf is now coming down with it.


oh and getting flu from having a flu jab is a fallacy.

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  corrado_sunderland said:
:lol: how so?


Never know whether we are going to hear about toxins in medicines or details of the latest girlfriend's twat. (Do excuse me ladies.)

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  craigowl said:
Never know whether we are going to hear about toxins in medicines or details of the latest girlfriend's twat. (Do excuse me ladies.)


Its a fine line between genius and insanity. i constantly walk that line (plus when im drunk i often fall into either side for brief spells :lol: )

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  craigowl said:
Never know whether we are going to hear about toxins in medicines or details of the latest girlfriend's twat. (Do excuse me ladies.)


:lol: Brilliant

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Hopefully am on the other side of a grim few days of man flu (started Monday, but I did soldier into work), which culminated in some gargantuan migrane today - I've only just managed to haul myself out of bed.


Ugh. I hate this time of year!

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Headaches due to sinus infection are notoriously bad - I have experience! They came after the virus, runny nose stage, and were often worse than the original bug and lasted for ages - "post viral infection"

If it is sinusitis, try Sudafed and Paracetamol at the recommended doses. Also facecloth dipped in hot water applied to forehead. That one comes from my grandfather who was in the trenches in WW1 and is still valid today as heat kills bacteria.


If you go to the doctor with sinusitis you will have to convince them it is a bacterial infection for antibiotics. For reasons we all know, they dont like giving out antibiotics if at all possible.

Two in my health centre will tell you to inhale steam, or steam with Friar's Balsam in it.

I remember using that when I was a lad, as my mother had advised it.

I had given up on it for 50 years as I thought it was old fashioned - Wrong - My GP recommended it recently and I bought some - 21st century fashion - over the Internet.

It is a natural aromatic product - unique but pleasant aroma. Has natural antibacterial properties. Was applied to wounds, too, long ago.

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Pleased to say that whilst paracetamol did nothing, ibuprofen based lemsip tablets took the edge right off..

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Yes paracetamol plus ibuprofen (for inflamation) or sudafed (congestion) are over the counter combinations that may help without going to the doc.

I used to worry about the amount of self-medication my mother took - plenty of paracetamol. She is still on the go at 93, so I aint as worried about paracetamol as I used to be and I know my mountaineering/running GP takes it when he has flu.

Mind you, we used to be able to buy it in bottles of 500, but it is controlled now as it CAN kill you if you exceed the dose of 2 every four hours, or whatever.

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