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overrun when changing gears

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i'm not sure if this is how the VR6 is supposed to run, but mine tends to revup 500 revs or so when changing gear all the time & the accelerator can be a bit twitchy/jerky when coming off accelertor. this isnt all the time but it does feel like someones tapped you from behind.


any ideas what potentially could be up if anything?





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Could be the throttle cable is a bit sticky or the dashpot/damper on the throttle body needs a little adjustment.

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Could be the throttle cable is a bit sticky or the dashpot/damper on the throttle body needs a little adjustment.


whats the dashpot/damper?

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Look under the TB. There is a white disc-shaped pot thing :lol: with a rubber damper to stop the throttle butterfly from snapping shut. It has a nut underneath that can be adjusted up and down. Easiest if you remove the large plastic intake tube that connects the TB to the MAF. 1 minute job ;)

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great , i'll give that a go this weekend, i'll lube up the throttle cable aswell, I had assumed the accelerator was digital rather than analogue.

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One the throttle cable starts to stick, lubing only works for so long unfortunately. The VR6 throttle cable should still be available and isn't too horrendous to change. I had the exact same sort of behaviour on my old G60 and was able to do the throttle cable swap in 15-20 mins :)

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It's totally up to you. I always buy genuine where I can afford to do so.

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