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TERRACLEAN system on my VR6.

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today i was the first vehicle through the doors of new delaval car and tyre sales in blyth who aquired the brand new terraclean system today.

the bloke had literally left an hour or two before i turned up to drop the 2 machines off and all of the equipment, the gaffa had been round our garage a couple of days earlier basically talking about the new system that they were getting, and i told him to put me first on the list.

it went in this morning with a slightly lumpy idle and a bit of a rich fuel smell on idle, i had allready done some work to the fuel and ignition system, replacing the spark plugs, fuel filter, vacuum hose on the fuel pressure regulator. fuel filter is recomended when you get your engine terracleaned, i had just carried out a full service on it a week before having it done.


so, did it do anything?

yes. it did, the engine ran 10x smoother than it did beforehand, throttle response was also improved, greatly, they set the engine to run at appx. 1500-1800 rpm, and after about 10 mins running with the machine connected, they had to reduce the pressure applied to the throttle by quite an ammount as the rpm`s increased as it cleaned through the engine. requireing less throttle to do more.


was it value for money?

yes and no, i think i expected a bit too much from the system, i always try to run my vr6 on shell v power, whenever i can. which according to shell, has 5x the ammount of nitrogen cleaning addative compared to a competator fuel. weather thats true or not i dont know. however i do notice a difference when i use it. weather or not me using vpower has allready started to work on cleaning the engine i dont know, but using the terraclean system certainly helped. at first i noticed a lack of power if you like. i was hard on the loud pedal expecting "instant" power back if you like, which didnt happen, it was making the noise of the vr6, but wasnt really moving like it used to. which kinda ****ed me off if you like after spending £85 on the system. however. ive taken the car for a really good run tonight and it was almost scary the flood of power in 2nd. thats the only way i can describe it. a flood. over the good few weeks ive owned the corrado now, i had started to get used to the power and what to expect when i planted my foot. tonight sort of threw that out of the window, whenever i boot it now for example i find myself lifting/easing off a lot earlier due to wheel spin and speed. (im running yokohomas on front, so not budgets/lack of grip). after tonight id say it was JUST worth it, my vr6 wasnt bad to start with, no smoke, idle was a little lumpy and i mean a little, and the power was cracking. but for the price, id have proberly steered away from it now as ive got a few interior pieces to replace and upgrage.


i would recomend this system, to anyone, but not to expect wonders. id say with the system still being "brand new" the price had got a long way to fall before it becomes more reasonable. it made my engine run a lot smoother, improved my throttle response and made it that bit more powerful. id say youd only truely benefit from the system if your vehicle was struggling to pass emmisions and was running like a pile of sh*t. then youd see pretty big improvments, but with an allready spot on engine, dont expect wonders. spend that £85 elsewhere.


---------- Post added at 12:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 AM ----------


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nice report, i was going to have this done last month but then i decided to pull my intake mani and rocker off.....will pop down to new deleval car and tires once then engine is bolted back together


VW_chris i need to meet up with you once my car is back together like and take a look at your car

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Any figures of before and after, is it the hydrocarbons it helps reduce? I saw it on wheeler dealers and was quite surprised how low my HC was after MOT

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I still find it very telling that nowhere can you find a before and after picture showing any cleaning of engine components. I've taken a few heads off old engines and cleaned up a few valves and I simply don't buy these claims, the combination of incredibly hard and difficult to remove deposits and physical wear to valves, seats, guides, rings and bores just doesn't stack up.

I'd love to believe these claims but I need to see proof! Probably why I'm not religious :lol:

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+1 /\


I can see improvements in idle and part throttle smoothness from cleaning out ancient injectors, but cleaning carbon off valves and piston crowns does bugger all really.

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@timthetinyhorse - yeah, i need to do the same to mine really, ive got a leaky rocker gasket so ill have to get one ordered when im next in the garage. im also tempted to remove the lower part of the mani and possibly clean/spray up both sections in silver and spray the rocker up in black.

honestly, id only recomend it if there isnt anything on the car you could spend £85 improving. if your engine runs spot on to start with, youl only get minimal improvements, thats what ive found anyway. and that sounds good to me matey :thumbleft:


@jim bowen - no, i didnt have it carried out simply for emmisions, id heard of the system being used and saw it on wheeler dealers and was pretty impressed by the improvements it made, however, i think the jag they featured was one of the cases the system was origionally designed for, where the engine barely ran and emmisions were high.


@davidwort - i also find that strange, i would have thought someone before now would have pulled the head off an engine which had used to system to physically see the effects. ive never believed in a "wonder bottle" if you like, theres nothing on the market which could possibly fix a head gasket for example, only do more damage to the cooling system and block up the likes of radiators and thermostats. but from what ive read the system chemically reacts with the carbon, removing it. but i have lapped valves before and cleaned up the rest and the ammount of effort it took to do so, i found it hard at first to believe it would even do anything, im tempted to remove my lambda sensor because apparantly the system cleans that to, should give a good indication as to whether or not its done anything.

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