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Jim Bowen

Strong Smell of petrol near front of car

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Have noticed a petrol smell at the front of car when stood near it/washing it etc.


Its right by the carbon canister thing (VR6 engine) Is it normal? not used car for 18 months so can't remember if it smelt before.


I recently replaced the fuel lines on side of engine and don't think its these. Does the carbon cannister wear out or need replacing?

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Carbon canister should purge all fuel vapour with the engine running.


When the engine is not running it is suppost to store fuel vapour.


As you have been changing a fuel line in that area I would check those first and anything else you way have caught or moved during this as it is more likely that this is the source of the petrol smell.

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Will have another sniff around then, am sure the bits i did smelt less than the bits going to carbon cannister.

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