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It's ILLEGAL for the police to look into your insurance details regarding Mods

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Police can't see a rebore or internal mods but if your in a bad accident your insurance may send it to at investigation center where they take your engine apart and check tolerances.Then they will refuse to pay claim and bill you for taking Your engine apart! That's one big bill!

If the rebore is within factory spec they don't bother but anything over is classed as a mod. G60 is 81mm bore so anything over 82mm is classed as a mod.


I have a buddy in allianz in Germany who explained how insurance works in Germany,which isn't far off uk type.

Car x(in your case VW corrado) has total X amount of claims over X amount of years. A risk assement is made for type of car it is,average payout and who is driving it(Mr X with 5 years NCB with 10 years full driving license which in Germany is done by %.you start at 300% working your way down to 12% after lot of years.) They plug this into big equation. They work in how much money they can make against risk equation answer and that is your premium.

Newer cars with very little claims will be cheap compared to high risk car in short.


I have third party fire and thieft on my one which I have declared all mods even though half they don't care about.they didn't raise the premium because the car risk is still in the same category and they don't have to pay out for my car if I crash it.other person crashes into me,they pay depending on % fault.that where legal protection comes in that I pay extra that fights legally for me.So I tell them when and where I crashed and who into,they deal with the rest,Easy!


Bit long winded but it though id share some input.To me if you get pulled over because you have loud exhaust and go-faster kit and stripes is because your just drawing attention to yourself so deserve to be pulled over.its all about stealth! If your legal you don't have anything to hide you should be willing to show your insurance details so they can't do you for anything!

Edited by Jim

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In answer to the initial question no its not illegal.


The Police work hand in hand with insurance companies these days. They do need a valid reason to look further however i'm sure some young buck at the roadside giving it lip would create enough reason!


Makes no sense not to declare the modifications anyway :bonk:

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I had difficulty sourcing a standard exhaust so got a stainless system, the idea being that I wouldn't have to worry about replacing it. Now is that also a mod. God I'm getting confused.


In the eyes of the law - yes.


Traffic cops tried to do me for the exact same thing a year back and nearly got myself 3 points for it (or so they threatened, it was never going to fly) - Failing to declare mods on my insurance apparently, even though my exhaust at the time was a direct stainless steel OEM replacement or so I was told. I got away with it in the end by playing stupid, and thanking them ever so much for pointing out that my exhaust was looking 'shinier than normal'. Got an even shinier Jetex system on there now so def had to declare that one!


My issue with mods is simple: Some mods are unavoidable on older cars due to discontinued parts (like exhaust) or simply to bring the car in line with modern standards, to make the car safer etc, so why should we be forced to pay higher premiums for this? I always declare EVERYTHING but I can certainly see why people are reluctant to declare mods because of already extortionate premiums.


Stickers - modification?? F*ck me what next lol

Edited by tentonhammer

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declare everything. i do this to the point where my insurers get bored on the phone,


Haha, yep! I used to have send them a 2 sided A4 sheet listing all my changes away from OE specification. I bet they ignored it, but I made damn sure they were declared on the policy. They will use any means possible to get out of paying for a claim.

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In the eyes of the law - yes.


Traffic cops tried to do me for the exact same thing a year back and nearly got myself 3 points for it (or so they threatened, it was never going to fly) - Failing to declare mods on my insurance apparently, even though my exhaust at the time was a direct stainless steel OEM replacement or so I was told. I got away with it in the end by playing stupid, and thanking them ever so much for pointing out that my exhaust was looking 'shinier than normal'. Got an even shinier Jetex system on there now so def had to declare that one!


My issue with mods is simple: Some mods are unavoidable on older cars due to discontinued parts (like exhaust) or simply to bring the car in line with modern standards, to make the car safer etc, so why should we be forced to pay higher premiums for this? I always declare EVERYTHING but I can certainly see why people are reluctant to declare mods because of already extortionate premiums.


Stickers - modification?? F*ck me what next lol


Better phone the insurance company in the morning. I suppose that'll be another £25 policy modification. Wonder if I should declare my "Stop the Bloody Whaling" sticker as well. And I've removed the side strips which will make it lighter so it will go faster. Just as well I bought the feckin bike!

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Honestly, are you declaring mods like alloy door pins, chrome inner handles, change of interior light colour, ddi dials, radio, speakers or sound mat under the carpet. Rubber foot mats in winter time. Are the winter tyres modification as well ??


Just wonder, if you fit good 100 quid ferrodo or redstuff brake pads, this is a modification and you should declare it, are you ?? but if you fit crap Chinese 10 quid pads, you should declare it as well ?? both parts are oem fit but both parts are not original. What about bushes. If you fit febi or powerflex, both are oem fit, both are not original. Powerfles should be treated as modification bou what about febi. de-modification ??


Its all very confusing.


I have to call my insurance as all big stuff is declared but all things like alloy door pins are not. About brakes I just said they are bigger than standard and it was fine for them, never ask any questions how bigger or what pads disc I'm using.


My mods almost doubled premium price already so I wonder what happens if I come up with full list including every single bit.

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It's most definitely NOT illegal for the Police to see whether the vehicle is insured or not. It is also most definitely not illegal for the Police to contact the Motor Insurers Bureau for more information if they feel it necessary, the MIB will hold more information about insurance than a standard PNC check. The Police are also quite within their rights to contact your insurance company if they feel it necessary to inform them about your modifications.


A lot of it will come down to the knowledge of the officer who deals with you. Some officers don't care about traffic related offences at all but others are pretty hot on it and you'll generally find they will be the ones who will cause you to stop and will have a look around your car. Whether they'd be able to tell the difference between 280mm and 288mm brakes or standard compared to mk4 rear calipers or if you've got a Shrick fitted is another matter, but again it depends on the officer...


All I can say is make sure your modifications are declared - as others have said repeatedly in this thread it's just not worth not doing it. The consequences of having an accident and causing life changing injuries/death to someone else in a vehicle that has undeclared modifications really are quite severe and it's worth thinking about that before you try to save 20 quid from your premium. Plus, its surprising how little the premium rises when you tell the insurance company about modifications and its satisfying (as Kev says) to have a 2 page A4 sheet listing all of the mods, no matter how small, giving you that added peace of mind when you're driving along :-)

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Well said that man, although the previous owner's of my car thought it was alright to not inform DVLA of the engine swap they know now as does my insurance company as well as every other non standard part on the car as well as a hefty agreed value with like for like replacement.

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On the subject of undeclared engine swaps, have you noticed how many ebay adverts there are where the seller has said 'cheap insurance, it's still a 1.2 on the log book' even though they've done a transplant - crazy, tell the world why don't you!

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On the subject of undeclared engine swaps, have you noticed how many ebay adverts there are where the seller has said 'cheap insurance, it's still a 1.2 on the log book' even though they've done a transplant - crazy, tell the world why don't you!

As we say up here mate Fann*'s they will learn the hard way.

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