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I have briefly asked about this before in this thread http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?63685-setting-up-two-amps-for-different-jobs


But wanted to start a new thread as its slightly different with the problem I have now.


I have just got another amp to finish off my sound system set up in the rado.


MY current set up consists of the following set up.


CD player -> Alpine F240 4 channel amp 360w -> Sony xplod XM-255ex 2 channel amp 120w -> 2x 12" subs (fli 1000watt x2)

____________________________\_> 2x 6x9's


The specs to the two amps I currently have can be found in these two links

Sony amp


Alpine amp



Now I have just got hold of a JBL GTO4000 600w 4 channel amp which I now need to work out how to include this amp into my set up. As I want power 2 component speakers in the door and 2 component speakers in the parcel shelf support as they currently are only running off the head unit. Also I will be reducing my subs down to only one.


JBL amp specs can be found here



So basically off of 3 amps I need to power, 1x sub, 2x 6x9, 2x door speakers and 2x parcel shelf support speakers (cant remember the size of the door and parcel shelf support speakers but they are upgraded ones)


I know how to get power to them all and set them up from that point of view. Got 1 power line (built in fuse) with 3 way fused distribution block, 1 rem line split into 3 and 1 main earth line split into 3 at the amp end.


MY question is whats the best way to get the sound signals from the head unit to the amps and then to the respective speakers.


My initial thought was to do something long these lines.


* lines between amps are out put only so not amped (if that makes sens) But only the apline and sony have a separate outline where as the JBL only has the channel out puts. Or am I reading this wrong and all the out puts are amped?


This would be the simplest set up that I can work out but its not making the most of the power of the Apline amp as its splitting it.


--------------/ > parcel shelf

Head unit -> Apline ----------------> JBL ----------------> sub

--------------\_> door speakers------- \_> 6x9


My other Idea was this way but leaves 1 set of channels not used on the alipine but bridging it would make the most of the power from the amp



Head unit -> Sony -------------- Alpine--------------> JBL ----------------> sub

--------------\_> parcel shelf -------\_>Door speakers ---\_> 6x9



Also I have a pair of cross over boxes in my door cards which I was thinking of using them to turn the dash speakers into tweeters (current tweeters are broken) but they are still the standard speakers. Would this be possible or is there no point as they are standard?


There are two options I can think of




Head unit -> Sony -------------- Alpine--------------> JBL ----------------> sub

---------------\_> parcel shelf ------\_>6x9------------- \_> Cross over box -----> Door speakers

--------------------------------------------------------------------\_> dash speakers





Head unit -> Sony -------------- Alpine-----------------------------------> JBL ----------------> sub

---------------\_> parcel shelf ------\_>Cross over box -> Door speakers ------\_> 6x9's

-----------------------------------------------\_> dash speakers




I hope I havnt confused people too much and it kind of makes sense with what I'm aiming for. OR am I over thinking this?


My head hurt now!

Edited by Swompy

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As for getting the signal to the amps, you could use RCA splitter or Y leads. These, as the name suggest are like the letter Y. There will be a single plug at one end and two plugs at the other end. Obviously you will need two sets, one for the right channel and one for the left channel. They come as one male to two females or one female to two males. Plug a two sets into the RCA from the head unit and then plug another two sets into one of the two outlets thus giving you three outlets all with the same signal. You will be able to buy any configuration or length of RCA lead you need to link all three amps. If you have two pre-outs on the rear of the head unit, you will only need one set to split one RCA. If the head unit has front, rear and sub pre-outs, then simply plug one set of RCAs into each amp and use the amps accordingly.


Don't take this the wrong way, but years of experience fitting car stereo would suggest to me that to build a top quality system all you need is a quality set of 6.5 inch components in the front, standard speakers in the rear for rear fill and one top quality sub in the boot. Run the front end and the sub from a quality four channel amp or a two channel amp and sub amp, high pass signal to the components and a low pass signal to the sub and run the rear fill from the headunit. Total simplicity and properly set up it will sound amazing.

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As I thought I have been over thinking it and there was a simple option right in front of me!

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Don't take this the wrong way, but years of experience fitting car stereo would suggest to me that to build a top quality system all you need is a quality set of 6.5 inch components in the front, standard speakers in the rear for rear fill and one top quality sub in the boot. Run the front end and the sub from a quality four channel amp or a two channel amp and sub amp, high pass signal to the components and a low pass signal to the sub and run the rear fill from the headunit. Total simplicity and properly set up it will sound amazing.


Amen to that - some great advice...BUT isn't there a risk of it sounding a bit muddled if the fronts and sub are amped and the rears are running off a tiny HU amp? I suppose if it's just to 'fill' out the rear then it might not be the be all and end all...just a thought.


TBH I tend to just ditch the rears altogether as I'm never sat there anyway and find that quality front components fill the car enough. And I'm never sat in the back anyway!

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Only reason I'm going down this route is because pretty much all the upgraded speakers and 6x9 came in the car or with parts I bought. So thought I might as well make the most of them if they are there.


My next question would be. If I go down the Y RAC cables I could get away with only using 2 amps. JBL for the sub and 6x9 and the alpine for the door speakers and parcel shelf speakers. Or would it give better results from the same as above except using the alpine for the front speakers (on bridge mode) and the Sony for the parcel shelf.


What are people's thought on my idea about the dash speakers as tweeter? Should I take there signal off a cross over box or would leaving them on the standard harness be pretty much like turning them into tweeters?


Just want to make the most of all the bits I have really.

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I would find out what speakers are in the doors, then you can choose the best amp suited to use to run them with the crossover to the tweeters.

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