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Newbie, gearbox and starting question

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Have tried a search but not really found anything to answer my questions...


First off gearbox, first gear feels quite long when selecting and if selected quickly it crunches/grinds on the left side of the gearstick


Second is starting, i always let the car prime before turning over, noticed a hesitation starting today and then a whirring when the car turned over which last maybe 2 seconds (another thought i had when i heard the noise is it sounds like the a cockeral or old ford model t horn)



Ideas welcome





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First and second syncros have a hard life, a change of gearbox oil may help, especially when cold, if you refill with a suitable synthetic gear oil like vw's own or redline mt90. The throw can only be adjusted for all gears, one of the two cable connection 13mm bolts on top of the gearbox.

It sounds like your starter may not be disengaging properly.

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