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Dilemma... what should I do???

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Hi all, I've got a bit of a dilemma... I've been offered a cheap Audi A3 1.8T Sport, I've been saving up to spend some cash on my VR6 C (it really could do with a head rebuild), so do I keep the C & spend the cash getting it tip-top? or do I go with the sensible voices in my head telling me to sell it & get the A3? (newer, lower mileage, more reliable?)... come on guys, what would you do??? (I can't afford both)




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Its always more tempting heading towards that reliability & newer car scenario.


At the end of the day, you gotta decide whether you have enough disposable income to keep the Corrado on the road, and whether actually spending money on the car is something you want to do. I still can't decide personally what is best.. I only keep the Corrado really because I like the 'scene' around it, the CCGB & Forum meets, those damn fine good looks, and just driving a car that so few other people drive. I certainly don't drive it because its reliable, good on petrol, or cheap to insure.


My Saxo might have been a cheap french car, but nothing broke in the year I owned it. I just felt... so... rich all of the time! Now I am back to a Corrado, my wallet isn't looking quite so fat!

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Test drive the A3 ... but it's not that great.

I traded in my old G60 for an A3 1.8T two years back and regretted it. It's a nice looking car, quiet inside, well made. Just doesn't drive as nicely - more a GT than GTI hatch. Steering lacks the Corrado's feel, especially straight ahead and slightly off from there. Doesn't handle that great either, the damping and springs didn't gel together on mine. I've now sold that and bought an A3 SE 130 TDI for mile munching and bought a cheap G60 ... which is definetly making my wallet smaller - but I just love the car!!!




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