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Possible corrado script production ,feed back please

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Hi all . Just wanting some feed back to this please . If i can get these made to match oem , how much interest is there going to be ?. The outlay for these is quite expensive because of the mould and chroming .But having said that i think i can get them for a reasonable price if the order was big enough . What do you think about the self adhiesive route compared to having the pegs to attach it to the car . This is still in the early stages atm and i am waiting for the prices to be sent to me .Would appreciate what you all think .


Edited by robrado974

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Firstly - thanks for looking into doing this :) For me personally, I have to be honest and say I think it's a deal breaker if the pegs can't be made as part of the moulds.


Worth mentioning though that you can still buy the Corrado badge from Volkswagen for a not unreasonable price (in primer) so if we could find a company that could just do the original style brushed chrome effect on a batch of badges in primer, that might be another option?


But either way I'd definitely have one to put away as a spare, IF the chrome finish matched the original in terms of finish and coverage (i.e. only the top half of the badge was chromed, not the entire badge).

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Thanks for reply Jim . Yes I see your point about the pegs . Think it would be a long process to gather all the scripts from everyone that wants one and either they send to me or they send to the company to be done . I'm speaking to Matt later as he has an oem badge , so if it comes to production they have an exact copy to use . The other option I was thinking is reproducing the vr6 grill badge in the red and black form .


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I would definitely buy at least 1 of each of the chrome badges, but as Jim said, only if it matched the OEM ones. As for pegs or no pegs, I'd be happy either way. Oh, and assuming they are fairly sensibly priced too. Thanks for looking into this, Rob. I'd be surprised if there isn't much interest.

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Thanks Fay, i would only have them made at a sensible price and only if they are exactly as the original . I have had one price back .....holy crap its a hell of an outlay ! ,having said that it would be great for people to have a nice new sparkly badge .

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I'd be interested in chrome badges too, preferably with the pegs.

Can't see how the front VR6 grille badge would fit without the plastic legs on the back, I'd be too lazy to make a bracket :)


Hope these get made, well done on saving the business

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Agreed, but I doubt it will be very long before VW discontinue the badges full stop, so aftermarket ones without the pegs would be the only option. Obviously with is preferable so try to push for that if you can, but I think they'd still sell pretty well without tbh. Again front badges really need the pegs though. I'd also be interested in both. :thumbleft:

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Thanks for the feed back , if i can get them at a good price and have enough interest i will do a run of scripts . Then i will sort out the red vr grill badge which will have the fixings .The only snag is i will require the loan of one and this will difficult. When i get the badge from matt i will be able to send pics of the rear badge showing the pegs .


Edited by robrado974

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Yes its possible to make the roundles in chrome , one of the companys i am speaking to only specialise in car badges . What i would say though is , when you are making the scripts or vr badges you are not really treading on vw's toes . Go to make a vw badge and they might have something to say !

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Hi guys,


Trimsport are happy to assist with this if we can, but as has been discussed many times before there are several issues for production. To add pegs to rear of the badge adds a huge expense to the production cost. Also, coloured badges are relatively easy to block as the colour is even and fairly simply to apply. The silver "foil" finish that most would want is genuinely a knightmare to apply, Ive only seen it done right on old fashioned large scale "roller" machines, simply stamping the badge will not give the correct finish.


We currently have about 1000 badges in stock, but will be looking at new types badges over the next few months.


On a copyright note, I'm good friends with the merchandise guys at Milton Keynes, do NOT under any circumstance do anything with the VW roundel on, or they will be a nasty letter and a large unpleasant man from VW telling you to cease immediately or else!!!

Edited by G60MAT

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