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Ideal CO% for 2.0 8V please!

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You shouldn't be aiming at anything, not by adjusting anything on the engine, it should look after itself, but a healthy 8v should be around 0.05, my last mot was 0.033 on a 1994 2e engine, I'd imagine the 1995 ady is similar.

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You shouldn't be aiming at anything, not by adjusting anything on the engine, it should look after itself, but a healthy 8v should be around 0.05, my last mot was 0.033 on a 1994 2e engine, I'd imagine the 1995 ady is similar.


Understood, and very useful. Thanks!


Ours has clearly been messed with though - I had a pre-cat reading of over 5%! (post cat 1.6%)


I've had a play this morning, and tweeked the air flow meter spring to give a pre-cat reading under 1% and post-cat between 0 and 0.1 (my meter's only got 1 decimal place)


Seems to drive as well now as it did when de-catted and with the fuel cranked up(!)


I was just hoping somebody with a manual could give me a manufacturer's spec and tolerance so I can et it spot on after the MOT's out of the way.

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