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engine tries to start when i put positive on the battery

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as the title when i put the positive on the battery the engine tries to start well the starter motor tries the engine doesn't fire,

over the last couple of years this car has turned into a full on project so i have relocated the battery to the boot, so this is how its wired

starter motor live to battery (useing bmw positive wire)

earth on engine to body in the bay

negative on battery in boot to bolt that connects the rear seats (removed paint for a good connection)

then live of positive on the battery to the fuse board

and same with negative

i know this isn't the best explanation as im not a sparky hence my problem haha I'll post a few pics of the fuse board so you get an idea of how that's wired at the min

at the moment i've only got the wiring for the engine in the fuse board


so this is the fuse board



this is the earth on the block to earth on the boy right hand side



this is live on starter motor to battery



and this is the battery in the back that shows the negative to the body and the live from the starter motor tand the thin brown and red that go to the fuse board



i know its hard to diagnose with out seeing in person but has any one had this issue or any ideas as to what the reason could be would be a great help, i know i've got to have done something stupid and gotta be easy but just cant seem to see what it is so if you have any ideas that would be a great idea

o and it tries to start with out the keys in the ignition, its as if the circuit is completed already which i can sort of understand but dont get it at the same time as nothing has changed in wiring really just extended the wiring


well any help would be great


cheers perksy


sorry you have to click the pics to make them work thats alittle rubbish

Edited by perksy

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I'm not certain where it takes its feed from, but if the starter motor is going direct to the battery it will run constant. The ignition on position 3 gives it the 12v feed to start turning the obviously springs back to position 2 to cut the feed to starter motor only. You need to relocate some of the wiring from ignition to starter motor rather than direct from battery. I'm sure someone knows exactly where from but I'm not with the car atm or I'd have a gander for you mate.

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The starter motor should only be engaged when 12V goes down the red/black wire from the ignition switch to the starter solenoid... I'd unplug this 1 pin plug and see what happens, maybe faulty ignition switch.

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cheers mate

i know i was thinking that my self by having the positive direct on the starter and the engine block on the body to make it negative it is as if the circuit is complete which would turn the starter over , which it is argh haha i hate wiring


cheers for the reply seanl82


---------- Post added at 11:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 AM ----------


i totally unplugged the ignition from the fuse board and it still turn over!!!


any ideas??


could something have fussed somewhere to complete the circuit???

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I'd go with supercharged suggestion of a faulty ignition switch. The exciter wire for the starter should only have 12v going through it when the ignition switch is in the 3rd position.

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cheers guys

right i unplugged the wiring from the ignition but not the fuse board and it still tryed to fire

so unplugged the ignition wiring from the the actual fuse board and it doesnt try to fire, so there has got to be a fault some where in that wiring from the ignition to the fuse board right?


cheers to everyone 3 minds are better than mine haha

i'll keep you up dated

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right thought i was getting some where but turns out i wasnt


i took the power and earth out of the fuse board and well when i i put the positive on the battery tho node sparks and cracks coming from the bay

could this be down to bad earths do you think?

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