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MoonlightVR Pics - Sad day - 26/2/06 - SOLD IT :-( Pics pg11

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Wow! thats a very nice standard looking VR! Should give KIP VW a run for the money!

Maybe we will see you at NR or Henley in the summer



How much did it go for????


Should get you a couple of sets of rears on the Porker lol

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  biggerbigneil said:
Wow! thats a very nice standard looking VR! Should give KIP VW a run for the money!

Maybe we will see you at NR or Henley in the summer



How much did it go for????


Should get you a couple of sets of rears on the Porker lol


Yeah Asim it would be good to see you up at Stoner in the Mk1 :)


Stoner will hopefully be my first show actually driving the car instead of a trailer...


Who fancy's a night out in Henley then the night before..? Think the show this year is on the 4th of June.. so big night out in Henley on the 3rd!

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Mate I'll be happy to have the Mk1 done for Stonor Park next year!! Absolutely no way I'll be at Stonor this year in the Mk1. I'll probably pop along on the Sunday and say hello though. Make sure you finish that Corrado off Radford!

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  MoonlightVR said:
Mate I'll be happy to have the Mk1 done for Stonor Park next year!! Absolutely no way I'll be at Stonor this year in the Mk1. I'll probably pop along on the Sunday and say hello though. Make sure you finish that Corrado off Radford!


hehe.. ok.


I will get it done chap! 4 years this June!


I'm kidda glad I didn't come to look at your corrado last year as I'm sure I would have fallen in love with it! I'm glad its gone to a good home..


See you at Stoner matey, if not before ??!



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  Wendy said:
Ben -


Your car drives ?!


Really - I thought the trailer was part of your Corrado mods :lol:


LMAO. Nice one Ms Duckett :lol:


4 years Ben? Flippin eck mate, get your finger out of your ar$e man!

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Just read that she's gone Asim, that must've been hard handing over them keys? I think the last time i saw this car in the flesh was at Woburn a few years back (i voted for yours BTW :wink: ) It looked stunning then, and judging by those recent pics, it still looks just as clean, albeit a tad high on std suspension!

Glad you're staying on the scene and keeping the mk1 though, one of the best mk1's i've seen, along with Renshaws old one.. Bet it would be harder to hand the keys over for that one??




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Cheers for the vote Steve! I'm getting serious withdrawal symptoms already and the car is still in my garage :oops: Goes Sunday, and as you say it will not be easy handing over the keys! Mk1 keys will never be handed over mate, it's part of me :luvlove:

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  STORM 2 said:
So, Asim is it going to be a Boxster S, Cayman or maybe the new RS4?


Already bought the replacement STORM 2. Nice as those cars are, I'm an old school kinda guy :wink:

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OH thats perdy!

Thats the same shape as the one in Bad Boys no? 996 or something, my favourite shape by far! Look at the ass on it!

Keep us updated on the running costs as I'd love one!

I imaging we'll be seeing some splits on there soonish :-)

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Different ball game really. Straight line speed - VR is close, but pretty much every other area the 993 shows it up, as you would expect!

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