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Paul McKenna on Top Gear......

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Hypnotism doesn't affect everybody. Just the weak minded :wink:


Paul McKenna was up here in Colchester a few years ago and me and my mate just weren't affected by it at all. Nor were quite a few of the others on stage as they were so blatantly acting up.


Crock of sh1t as I say.....



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well, you are 100% true. if you want it to work it will.


I went through all the selection b0llocks, and got chosen to stay on stage, even thought I'd cheated and just pretended my hands were glued together to stay on stage to take the p1ss. It worked alittle bit, but they came apart when I tried hard enough.


he did the hypo b0llocks on us all after that, and I couldn't feel anything happening at all, until he put his hand on my shoulder, then it felt weird as f*ck, like I was sinking DEEPLY, I snapped out of it as I just didn't feel happy about what was happening. but it was too late by then, I was already on the stage so I ended up staying up there. the whole time I was wanting to just jump up out of my chair and give the guy a big F*CK YOU when his back was turned but I just didn't dare.


had my mates in stitches. they didn't even know I was acting up! until I started waving at them and then told them all EXACTLY what I'd just been doing, and they thought I was f*cking nuts for playing along with it and actually being in full control!


the guy sat next to me on stage was totally f*cked. A few of the daft things the guy made us do (I'm making this sound really bad now) mean a bit of interaction (no, not like that) and this guy just wasn't with it at all. I dunno how I kept a straight face, he was utterly f*cked, like a zombie.


I missed out on an hour and a hlafs worth of free booze becsaue I was up on stage, but that was some start to a blinding holiday.


whether you belive in it or not, it'll be the funniest night out you'll have had for years if at least one of your group gets up to join in.

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well there are arguments both ways - you could say that the 'Less Intelligent' people are not affected also :D


This is an observer point of view as I prefer to know what I am doing at all times.

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Yeah it was a good night for sure. There were a couple of people that were doing odd things and were clearly vunerable to the powers of suggestion, but the majority of the folks sat in the line either looked at eachother and laughed, shrugged their shoulders or started goating around on the stage pretending to be under :lol:


I suppose it's a bit like that gimp Yuri Geller and his spoons, you either buy into it or you don't.

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Hmmm, can't beleive Hammond would have done himself so much potential damage to his 'cool'? image by doing what he did for a laugh. As said, seems to work for some not others......

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aaah the world famous BENDER Uri Geller. Friend to Michael Jackson. :lol:
Don't diss Jacko mate, absolute legend

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Jacko maybe a legend but that doesn't stop him being a fruitcake.


And Geller.....what a berk. Riding off the back of Jackson (quite literally probably) to further his own career and to stop his celebraty status sliding to D list.

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You can appreciate Michael Jackson the performer and his musical genius while at the same time realise he is completely bonkers!

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The Alfa was completely useless as a track or fast road weapon. The chassis just cannot handle the power


It looked a bit out of shape when the Stig was nailing it but it still posted a very respectable time.


That's true actually. Just remembered it beat the M3's time around the track! That's more from it's straight line grunt than cornering grip though. I'm sure if the Alfa had a better chassis, it would be ballistic.


What about the SLR then? 120.9! 3 seconds quicker than the previous board leader :shock:

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it was a good episode. il iked the jesus bit that was so fecking funny!

but i think they should've made hammond act like a 6foot black rap star, that woulda been funny :lol:

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I think I read in Evo's review of the 147 that Autodelta were aware of the handling problems and were looking in to it. If they got that sorted then it'd be a bit special.

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I think I read in Evo's review of the 147 that Autodelta were aware of the handling problems and were looking in to it. If they got that sorted then it'd be a bit special.
That's correct mate. The car is just uder 40k at the moment, but is being revised

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that was THE best ever top gear,.. except the pink car bit, and all that stupid 'bling' bollo@ks, bloody idiots, were not in the bronx now. i'v got it on tape if any one local needs to borrow it, absolutly halarious

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