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Gearbox shagged - what else fits and where from?

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My vr's gearbox is poorly - third gear is not happy - unless you ram it in it grinds and won't engage. New short-shifter fitted and cable replaced - bush good at gearbox end and all other gears ok (but a bit crunchy now and again) so I reckon the gearbox is ****ed.


What boxes fit and where's the best place to get one? How easy is the swap? Is it a driveway jobbie or is a lift needed?


Many thanks

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I did the chains job on the driveway a while ago, so the gearbox can be done. It's easiest to do if you use an engine beam across the wings and a trolley jack to carry the weight of the gearbox. The most difficult bit is getting the gearbox lined up when putting it back in. Be careful, it's quite heavy and rather awkwardly shaped.


It would be worthwhile doing the chains and clutch as well whist it is apart.


Have you seen the step-by-step guide in the Knowledge Base?


Best wishes



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Do you use it as a daily Tim?


If its not then drop the engine and box together, then you can do the lot without the car in the way

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Yeah - it's a daily. I'm probably going to get my local garage to do it - they can get it done in a couple of hours - I'll go shopping instead of scrabbing about under the car cursing and realising I don't have a crucial bit once it's all apart :)

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Where are you as I've got a VR box in my garage, Had no problems when it was in my car 95 VR6

I'm in St.Albans Hertfordshire

If you want it, how does £50 sound?


DOH!!!, just seen you are in Norfolk, anyway if you can arrange a courior, it's doable

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