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[FS] Varies Corrado parts from Karmannski - VR6 16V Late type SALE

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Prices do not incclude postage and packing


Thread will be updated every sunday with the new parts

PayPal wellcome


VR6 air fillter box £SOLD



VR6 Front wipper motor + mechanism fully working £25



Wipper arms vr6 £10 each



Inter wheel arch VR6 Corrado - R/L £35 each



MFA Mass Air Flow VR6 4 pin £48



Air flow pipe VR6 + elbow £23



corrado £18 + vr6 SOLD



Poster VW Storm £23 delivered


Edited by karmannski

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Really??? A MAF for under £50...

It was a Question forgot to put in the question mark. :notworthy: just there was a stampede of replies :grin:

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