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transmission rebuild/questions

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i'm going to drop the tranny from my 1990 G60 to have the 2nd and 3rd gear synchros replaced.


other than these two synchros... the tranny seems fine to me and also to the guy that will be rebuilding it.. we went for a drive to see if he noticed anything else.


question is, while its off the car, are there any other wear parts that should be replaced as well? bearings? seals? he said that unless you notice something specific, that the 2nd and 3rd gear synchros are all that usually need replacing.


i'm thinking about putting in the long 5th from the canadian VR tranny... i believe the ratio is .711 - anyone have any experience with this gear or know the part number?


i notice the shifter linkage in my car isn't as smooth as i'd like.. should i consider getting a linkage from another car (1.8t, VR6?) or should i just lube up the current setup really well?



i don't have too much cash to spend (since i'm also rebuilding/porting the charger), so i'd like to get this done right the first time..


any advice is very much appreciated guys.. never tackled tranny work before.


thanks fellas!

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Get the whole Gearbox (tranny) rebuilt, get the clutch checked at the same time as the box is out, main reasons are


1 all gears will be worn

2 you dont want the clutch goin after a few hundred mile on the new tranny

3 cheaper in the long run if you keeping the C for a long while

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oh thats right, forgot to say... gonna put in a VR clutch at the same time.. so i'm ready for the extra power. the clutch is old now anyway.


when you say 'get the whole gearbox rebuilt'.. what do you mean? all the gears as well? bearings, springs, detent springs, the whole bit?? then we're talkin a load of cash (over a thousand) instead of a couple hundred bucks. i can get the second and third synchros for 1/2 of retail, and the guy will put em in and clean it up for $120... no big deal.


budget.......... :?

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I would personally get the lot rebuilt because the rest could go a year or two down the line.


Or find a Golf Turbo Diesel 6 speed cable box, apparently it fits!!! get down the breakers and see if you can get the box for a few hundred then you have a new ish tranny and 6 speeds!!

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not in north america there isnt a 6-speed diesel! ..that'd be v nice. only ones are in the GLI jettas and the R32 when it gets here. thats too exclusive to find in the wreckers here just yet. i've been asking around about it though...


i've been thinkin i'll do all the synchros, the bearings and the seals... but then i think, why not just the 2nd and 3rd synchros, put it back in the car and spend the extra cash on the charger? it comes down to.. what can i fix *right now* - the weather is startin to look okay around here and i can't let all my mates prance around in their jap-crap without a good thrashing! ! ! !


i'm very short on funds for this.. i'd rather not have to drop the box again in a year or two.. but i won't have the cash for a peloquin or quaife until then anyway.. :? :)

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The gears themselves are tough as old boots, just change the synchro rings because trust me, you will faint when your stealer tells you how much individual gears are! You are talking over £100UKGP each. Just check the condition of the helical cuts and make sure the centre groove is intact and no teeth are chipped/missing.


Rebuilding boxes requires a few specialist tools and certain bearings need preloading too, which is easy to mess up if you don't know what you're doing.


You might also want to bolt the diff (ditch the rivets) too if you're planning any power upgrades or better still, fit a quaiffe. On that score, I can't help thinking though, that allowing the power to spin away rather than the box taking the strain would be better for longevity?


I've had a few boxes rebuilt in my time and changing the diff bearings, the lower ratio synchro rings and the main input and intermediate shaft bearings was all that was required.





94 VR6

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kevhaywire: sounds like you did exactly what i need to do.. do you have part numbers for the lower ratio synchro rings, or would they be different than on the G60? i have ekta but i'm not sure if it lists these 'lower ratio' synchros.


i'm dropping the tranny myself, then giving it to a very knowledgable friend with all the special tools, etc. not sure if he'd be up for bolting the diff.. but i'll run it past him. thanks. :)

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No sorry I haven't got the part numbers but the boxes I had rebuilt were 020s, so 02As will be slightly different. It's only the 1st/2nd ring you need to change, unless 3rd to 4th is crunching aswell, but you may aswell do all of them whilst the box is out. Change ALL the seals too.


Bolting the diff is just a precaution as MANY 020s blew the rivets. It's just a case of drilling them out and replacing with bolts, shouldn't be too much hassle if your friend has a pillar drill.



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thanks kev. :D


the reason i want to do this now (and quickly/cheaply) is that the 3rd synchro went just before i put the car away... and any shift out of second above about 4500-5000 RPM makes the damn thing grind. drives me feckin nuts. it needs a rebuild anyway... but i'd let it wait until next winter if the 3rd didn't grind.


anyway.. i have all the part numbers for synchros and seals from ekta. i'll post it all here when i get around to it.

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