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I'm losing my mind!

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Hi Guys,


I love my Corrado, It never gives me any issues and I treat it good BUT recently it turned on me real bad. Where do i start?


So due to the weather we're having, i went into my car and the passenger floor is soaked! not only the floor but glovebox and the little shelf under the glovebox...It's starting to stink in my car :mad2:


Next issue, The driver side central locking is fudged up. The doorpin tries to lift but then just drops...I can't even manually lift it. I have to get in from the passenger side like an idiot lol


Last issue is, When i indicate, the hazards turn on. wtf right? This is a big issue to me because it could confuse other drivers and cause an unspeakable outcome.


Please help guys, I'm so annoyed right now and with winter coming i would love to have my Rado back to it's old great self.


Thanks guys.

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Check the right hand side of the scuttle tray under the bonnet, there is a rectangular plastic piece with like a mesh top, the seals on the underside of this are prone to leaking, this would flood your passenger side footwell out.

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Id get the leak sorted , if its not loosing coolant it will be the folage seal , the door shouldnt be a big problem id have the door cards off and wats been sId replace the pump in the rear , get a dehumidifier in there and get rid of all the moisture and get an auto electrician to sort the problem while you have a brew ! It is winter After all

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Out of interest its not parked on a slant is it? My drive is on a slant and when the corrado was parked on it and the drain holes in the scuttle panel were blocked, it would fill with water when it rained. Eventually over spilling into the vent were the heater draws air in. Soaked the carpet, glove box and heater motor behind.

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guys, you've all been a great help.


I checked out the folage seal today and it does look abit worn down. whats the best way of replacing it?


I'll get the doorcard off tomorrow and have a little look around. Might just get a new central locking pump.


My car is parked on a slant to.

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